Here are two texture sets for the Warbirdsim P-51D-5-NA, depicting aircraft from the 375th FS, 361st FG in late July-early August 1944. They are 44-13568 'Sky Bouncer' flown by Capt. Bruce Rowlett and 44-13926 E2-S flown, it's believed, by Lt. Urban Drew. 'Sky Bouncer' is an earlier D-5 that, at the time, lacked the fin fillet later adopted as standard to improve lateral stability. It would later be retro-fitted, and the aircraft survived until April 1945 when it was written off due to engine failure on take-off. E2-S survived only a few more days after the photo shoot when it crashed on a training flight on August 9th. killing the pilot, Lt Donald Dellinger.
In addition folders also contain a P-51D_2_T_Bump file lacking the carburetor heater vents on each side of the nose.