Aerial Foundry F-18 Hornets


I recently re-installed the Aerial Foundry F/A-18's and CF-18 Hornets, after all the years that I flew them on different PC, I have just now noticed that the "star and bar" insignia on some of the US Navy variants is on the right top wing instead of the left top. Has anyone else noticed this? If anyone out there still flys these superb "Bugs" for FS9 and knows of a fix for that one little glitch... I'd be grateful. I'd even dance at your wedding in a hog-trough, provided I haven't already missed out on that event.

When I originally installed it I was disappointed to find that an acclaimed payware product would exhibit such an obvious error. Otherwise the model package is superb. There are several repaints available, some use the original paintkit with the miss-mark, others show the correct placement. I fired up DXTBitmap and used MS Paint to cut and paste the markings into the correct placement.
Hard to believe that the "beta testers" didn't catch this, and you're right... it's otherwise an awesome product, even by todays standards. One would have thought that Dean would have posted a patch for it, so that "paint challenged ruperts" like me wouldn't have to tinker with it. :isadizzy:

Thanks for the reply, PF... reckon that's what I'll have to do as well.
