Anyone use Maps2Bgl ?


:banghead: What is the deal with this? Readme that doesn't make sense, vague instructions at best, download errors all over the place, blank tiles, can't compile, missing components, runtime errors, kicked off server, copyright infringement, can't share work, pestulance, locusts, scurvey...but, look at the alleged results..too bad all of us can't get that when it's actually meant for all of us to have. Freeware I mean.
Yep, basically the same here. They make it sound like with just a few keystrokes you'll be flying over photoreal terrain. . .ummmm nope. I gave up and none the worse for the loss.
It's tantalising stuff, but the author is German and has some difficulty with English.
The AVSIM thread sorts out some of the problems but you need to contact an experienced user to get past the encrypted language which tries not to use the G**gle word, where the copyright issue arises.
The downsides are that you get no autogen, and some of the imagery is a little patchy.
You'll see some great-looking screenshots, though.
I used MAPS2BGL for FSX and had absolutely no problems making it work. I compiled the entire area of the Yakima Valley in Washington and it came out pretty good, had a couple spots that were blank but they were nowhere near the city. Ended up doing Yakima and all the way to Prosser Washington.
I used MAPS2BGL for FSX and had absolutely no problems making it work. I compiled the entire area of the Yakima Valley in Washington and it came out pretty good, had a couple spots that were blank but they were nowhere near the city. Ended up doing Yakima and all the way to Prosser Washington.

I'm glad it works for some. G***le doesn't allow me to recieve more than 100 or so tiles. Probably for good reason, so I'll go with what I know. I'm currently enrolled in Gmax class, that's enough for my tiny lil brain.:d