Changing autopilots problem


Staff member
Flight 19 is getting ready to fly some big jets, so I figured I'd do a little updating to the HJG 727 by putting in a newer autopilot from the default 737. I got the "otto" gauge itself replaced in the panel popup with the one from the 737 and put the 737 autopilot section into the 727 aircraft.cfg. At this point I figured the deal was done.

Went to test fly it and I can't get the altitude control to work. I click on the altitude button on the autopilotgauge and the light will flash on for a split second and go right back out. And I can only get it to do that again if I switch the autopilot off and back on. Even using the keyboard shortcut for altitude hold don't work.

Any ideas or suggestions?
If you are using the Probert-HJG panel, there are control gauges to prevent usage of a newer autopilot; you will find that GPS does not work either.
Willy, I think Rallymodeller is right on the mark - HJG are sticklers for historic accuracy and people requesting more modern avionics on their boards are firmly "corrected" from their erring ways! Grab the 2D panel off of Tom Ruth's very good freeware 727 and see how that works.

I have and use both the correct historically accurate and more modern 737 Otto's in my FSX CS727 and frankly the current operators like Fedex have more modern electronics including gps, etc anyway.