FS9 Rex & water issue


Charter Member
Just reinstalled FS9 after installing new SSD's. FS9 & Rex, there is some weird undulating of the water which is off-putting and unrealistic imo. Is there a better solution out there. I hope users know what I mean, it is hard to describe. But the whole body of water in all the various REX varieties does a strange twisting undulation.

Edit I use an ATi 6870 card btw
I think I know what you're talking about. It's some kind of verticle rays or something. I have REX and sometimes use other parts of it because I really don't like their water. Imo zinertek is the best.
what you're seeing is actually just the way FS creates the water animations - though twisting of the oceanheightfield.bmp. Good water textures have a wave texture that tiles better, so you can't see what FS is doing. Sounds like you've discovered with your new equipment what that looks like! The problem should be solveable with a different texture set.
It could be what I'm experiencing with my RADEON 6850 card - what I'm seeing is the entire water surface appearing normal one instant, and the next the entire surface reflects glare up at me as I view it from above - like all the wave tops reflect at once - then it goes back to normal texture. This continues as long as there is a sun shining on the water's surface. It doesn't appear with cloud overhead. Not sure what water texture compensates well for this problem.

EDIT - BTW this is on FS9 without REX.
It could be what I'm experiencing with my RADEON 6850 card - what I'm seeing is the entire water surface appearing normal one instant, and the next the entire surface reflects glare up at me as I view it from above - like all the wave tops reflect at once - then it goes back to normal texture. This continues as long as there is a sun shining on the water's surface. It doesn't appear with cloud overhead. Not sure what water texture compensates well for this problem.

EDIT - BTW this is on FS9 without REX.
If it doesn't appear when you've got clouds overhead, it may not be a problem with your oceanheightfield.bmp. It is more of an issue with your water reflection envmaps. Again, the best solution is use a different texture set. Oddly enough, my favorite is actually the REX set, but different strokes for different folks, as the saying goes. You might also try the Aquarama texture set - you can find it on Avsim - which is pretty dang good!
Water pulsating .. lol
I use Zinertek Ultimate Water .. and the water pulsating is very reduced with this addon ..
I like it :)
you know, maybe I'll have to give Zinertek a try sometime when I've got more money... I've gotten so used to the pulsating (never seen an addon that didn't pulsate that way) that I've had to learn to like the textures for different reasons (or simply not fly around water too much - which is easy when you live in a desert!).
As others have said, its a combination of the work of the envmap and oceanheightfield texture files, and water is subjective to where you live in the world and what you are used to see-ing, and what on your rig it looks like. No two rigs display exactly the same, even with same graphics cards. Before I swapped to a Radeon card, I had Nvidia, so I've seen it from both sides of the fence so to speak.

There are plenty of alternates to choose from and it really is a matter of trial and error what works best for you, Bill Lyons'
did an alternate set that has been tweek'd over time by others, likewise Peter Wildings' sets, if you do a search at the usual places for water textures you'll have a few choices, each claims to be better/best but, may not be so for YOU


Thanks some good suggestions from all of you for me to check out. I have Zinertek somewhere on a DVD, trust me not to catalogue anything, Must have 100+ DVDs of various MSFS and other sim stuff to wade through.
My "solution" to the undulating water effect was to go to the Settings/Display/Terrain Detail option and set it to Land Only. This stops the motion effect, but doesn't change anything else about the water's appearance that I can see. I first used this option when I installed a set of water textures from Bill Lyons which included a whitecap effect. The whitecaps would switch on and off with the water movement effect in a very distracting way. Even though I've changed water textures since then I still prefer this setting.
Thanks for the suggestion, I am about to embark on the textures as suggested above. May take a while and I'd rather be flying but it is too distracting to tolerate.