How to flatten?


Charter Member
Hi, could somebody instruct me how to create flattening? I have couple of places on Channel Islands where piece of water is above ocean, i tried to find cause of this but it didnt worked, so i think it would be quicker to flatten problematic areas, but i need guide for idiots how to do it.
Hi, could somebody instruct me how to create flattening? I have couple of places on Channel Islands where piece of water is above ocean, i tried to find cause of this but it didnt worked, so i think it would be quicker to flatten problematic areas, but i need guide for idiots how to do it.

A little utility called FSTFlatten by Steven Greenwood (here ---->
will do just that.

Instructions here ----->


FSTFlatten also needs FSUIPC, and Microsoft Visual Basic 6 runtime files
from the readme

Additional files required for the Area16N method:
* FSUIPC: This application uses FSUIPC.DLL, by Peter Dowson, to retrieve data from FS. This dll file must be installed in your Flight Simulator \modules folder. It should self-register with the new versions, but here is the FSUIPC application key, just in case.
Application Name FSTflatten
Access Key 2XCI POUD UTU0

* Visual Basic Runtime Library: FSTflatten.exe is a Visual Basic application and requires that the VB6 Runtime library be installed on your computer. If you are unable to run the application, you can download VBRun60.exe (1356KB) from Microsoft. VBRun60.exe installs the Visual Basic 6.0 Run-Time Files for you. This program, and a helpful discussion of the runtime library, can be found at:

You'll need to search Microsoft for the VBRun60 file as the link above is now generic for microsoft help center

and... your windows language setting needs to be U.S English!

Hope this helps


Thanks for the help, i found same error at fsdeveloper's forum, still dont get how to solve it, i tried to disable all sceneries and remove all addon mesh files but without effect, its late here so i hope tomorrow i will have more luck, just in case here is screenshot of problematic area:
View attachment 83236
Basically once you get Flatten running, fire up FS and connect to the utility. Then slew to the area having the height you want to use and copy that into the height box, then double click the number to convert to meters and give the file a name. Now you are going to create a polygon the shape of the area to flatten by slewing the plane and making vertex points, dots. You will want to slew about two small plane wing spans away from the shoreline out over the water as the program for whatever reason extends the effect about that far away from the plane, but closer in will just make a wider beach. Connect the dots and create the bgl which shows up in the flatten utility folder and copy it into addon scenery/scenery to activate it.
I guess im just to much neanderthal for the "programs" who throw errors at me, but i finally solved it in primitive way, if somebody else have similar problem here's line for scenery.cfg
"Flatten.0=00,N49 11.38,W2 13.91,N49 11.38,W2 11.04,N49 10.42,W2 11.04,N49 10.42,W2 13.91".