Just Habbaniyah, no RAF, scenery

ian elliot

Ive just uploaded this, A modern (pre first gulf war) version of the scenery i released a few months ago works well with the new freeware Al Taqaddum scenery by the SDB team
Important, Make sure you disable my RAF Habbaniyah scenery in the scenery library before
using this scenery, there's not much differance, just a slightly longer runway, and QRA HAS at each end, A couple of the large pre-war hangars are also missing for some reason, according to Google Earth.
Habbaniyah became an airforce acadamy for the Iraqi airforce, and also seemd to attract a lot of attention in the hunt for Saddams WMD's

You will need these objects-----
"classic_libraries_v2.zip" by Wolfgang Gersch, sorry about the large download size
for these but there's a lot of really good objects i like using.

And this ai mig by Mike Pearson----
"mpai_mig21_ai_traffic_07.zip" from Avsim

enjoy, cheers ian

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