More scenery from me, Chkalovsk, Kalingrad

ian elliot

Chkalovsk, Kalingrad, by ian elliot 20/02/13

Chkalovsk is a military airfield in the Kalingrad region of Easter Europe
close to the Black sea, used by Soviet naval TU22 Blinder force's

Kalingrad, although seperated geographiclly from the rest of Russia, is still a
Russian enclave, with a population of 70% ethnic Russian who settled in this area
of former East Prussia after the German population fled or was forced out at the end
of World War 2.
Russian military still maintain a strong presence in the area

Some of the objects are made by me, and the vehicles and Radar's where found
on Avsimrus, but a few basic MAIW librarys are used

you will need to download and install these ai aircraft--

AI-Tu-22,by Sergey Bunevich, found at, near the bottom of page two, by Mike Pearson, found at Avsim

Ive always wanted to get the TU22 flying in my sim, there's something dangerous and out of this world
about the look of them. As far as i know, no Mig 21's where actually based there but i thought i'd include a few anyway, if you have my Babie Doly, Poland scenery from a while back, this airfield is about 15 minutes flying time across the Gdansk Basin.
cheers ian

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Thanks for another one Ian! I just love these Cold War bases and the AI that compliments them.

I should be flying out of there over the Baltic this evening.