NEW! Freeware Mil Mi-8 "Hip"


SOH Staff
Just spotted this big Soviet / Russian Helo @ Avsim ...

File Description:
Helicopter Mi-8MT, version 4 (2010.) 6 of versions of models, 7 structures, completely workers 2D and 3D cabins(2d the panel only for the large-format monitor (1:6)!), is a lot of animation, original gauges, Paint Kit - the request to read a manual - there answers to all questions. Only for FS9!

The Mil Mi-8 (NATO reporting name "Hip") is a medium, twin-turbine, Russian transport helicopter. The Mi-8 is the world's most-produced helicopter. There are numerous variants, including gunship versions.

License: Freeware, limited distribution
Added: 23rd July 2010
Downloads: 426
Author: Vladimir Zhyhulskiy
Size: 78183kb

Cheers! Mike
I just downloaded it. No English manual provided. Nice looking in detail, but useless to a non-Russian (I resemble that) simmer. Delete!!
Getting it now, 76mb d/l, hope it's as fun as his earlier release. It would be nice to see the Mi-2 Hoplite updated, that's another fun helo to fly.
Cool, thanks for the HU!

I'm assuming the previous versions' paints will work too.
Anything by Vlad is always a pleasure...

Will fly it .. even if the instructions were in Chinese ..

Pilots must have a "open mind"

Raw translation of the PDF instructions ......

Miles MI-8MT

In memory of a childhood friend of Maxim Khudoley,
Kherson pilot helicopter regiment
who died in the skies of Afghanistan

Model for FS-2004
Version 4 - 2010

This is my 4 attempts to make a model of this legendary helicopter. The first was published, 3 no, that's 4 th yet dared to publish. Why I picked again for the Mi-8, if there Nimetz, Lago and PNTV? - This is a good package, but one is not happy with the lack of cockpit (PNTV), while others, in spite of good elaboration (NIMETH) - Western or something, focus on the Western public, which completely forgotten that the principal symbols of the Afghan war began at one time two Soviet technology - VMP and of course, Mi-8 helicopter. Therefore, for the sake of the Afghan Business Edition package, but along the way and cargo options, today's WTA-shnye, MES were made. Package aimed at Russian. Simmer, even a detailed manual is only in Russian, for foreign fans of the machine-only graphical infa for Animation. Yes, and anyone interested in glamorous passenger versions with Blocks. glasses - here they do not look, no, I extremely VTA modelers, trucks and choppers.
Package was made as always, first and foremost for himself, for his vision and understanding, with special emphasis - on the VC, for me personally it is important. If someone is not so - do not hold it against me, I share what I consider necessary and proper in the sime for yourself, if someone is not pleased - I apologize in advance.
The model of a completely new from previous versions did not taken, the model is also used animated swash plate and rotor from Artem GILTIYA and autopilot AP-34 from Stepan GRITSEVSKOGO, for which he thanks a lot. Thanks also to many colleagues from the site AVSIM.SU for help and advice, all of them are listed below.

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The model was originally performed in 3DS Max, then always deferred to GMax, where the final assembly, otteksturivanie and compiling directly into Sim.
This package presented on 6 types of models (names - by the Director, in the package):
1. model.EVU - Vertical option. Afganskiz time, with Eva, ROM, PKT, Nursi, etc. No external suspension. (Textures AFG). Antitank gun and jump-seat-cover in VC.
2.model.GVF - a civilian version (Textures AFL), ROM, external suspension (container), and domestic cargo - drums.
3. model.NORD - a civilian version of the northern (Textures NORD), no ROM, external suspension (Section's oil. derricks), and domestic cargo - no, instead of cargo. cab spider, pilots dressed in a winter form.
4. model.PZU - version MES (Textures PZU), ROM, external suspension (container), and domestic cargo - container.
5. model.UN - similar to Option MES (Textures UN), ROM, external suspension (container), and domestic cargo - container. The difference between the pilots wearing helmets.
6. model.NURS - Active military option (Textures NURS, UA), ROM, external suspension (container), internal cargo - container drivers in helmets, pendants Nursi.


Below the pictures are 7 variants of textures from this package. Attached to a package of Paint-Kit (about this below).
1. The Afghan version (board 31 from the 262 th Bagram OVE.
2. Aeroflot standard blue-gray RA 25850.
3. KolAvia RA 22980.
4. The Russian army aviation side 57.
5. The Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations board RF 32820.
6. UN's TV from the side of the Kherson vert. The teams worked in West Africa (Sierra Leone and Liberia).
7. Ukrainian Navy aboard 09.


This package presented 2 types of panels - Afghan and more modern.
Immediately agreed - in a package panel only for widescreen LCD monitor (1:6)!
A small difference - Afghan has PKT and a separate device (animated cover-seat hand-BT). This lid is opened by clicking the above cover in the closed position - in the area of machine gun - rose by clicking on the cover itself. This is done intentionally - as under the lid has a device to switch fuels. tanks - he also has a clickable area, so to prevent the overlap zone of these two devices click on the cover is made above the instrument Percle. tanks. In addition, this option the panel has meteoradara, bendiksovskogo NAV2, and, in accordance with the times, there is no GPS. All of the above is a modern version of the panel (the same applies to the VC - on this below).
Description of the devices I do not give - they're well-known fans of the machines - devices made according to the arrangement of the official manual ver. Mi-8 (great spsmibo M. Panyute (aka Mitch) for providing excellent graphical information) - so for the most part correspond to the realities.
So I want to focus on the instruments that I have made further - because I think for the Sima is quite acceptable.
This is, first, a bourgeois Bendix HAB-2, - just for the many photos really similar devices installed on the Mi-8, particularly in the western versions, and here too. Then - a digital altimeter - for me personally, especially for flights on turntable - veesh indispensable - at standard PB does not always grasp the height up to one meter while landing ... The device much more await-2 (Russian analog of DME-2) - also for me vesh irreplaceable. Others mainly devices correspond to the realities, and the above mentioned devices can be easily disabled or replace - if someone does not know how - write - explain.
Furthermore, all additional panels have their icons to call, and the relevant panels have the same icons for the back goal - closure - easy and convenient.


In addition to standard doppaneley common to the entire simulation (map, ATC, GPS), there are 6 specific to Mi-8 panels:
1. Start-hydraulic-POS
2. Fuel system
3. The electrical
4. Detail of gas stations (simplified, not full)
5. Autopilot AP-34
6. Radio navigation

I was not able to do everything perfectly, I'm not so special is the instrument, but the most important kind of managed to do. Probably will object to the works and a set of devices (especially in the MP1-2 - I am so frosted understood what it was in the Mi-8 and is there at all - samolktnym emulated in the style of the AN-12, ARC and radio like correspond to the reality).
Starting the engines as possible from the start panel, so the fuel panel, the lower buttons (start pump). I also simplified the petrol station - do not see the point of emulating hundreds of good switches in the sense of realization in sime - is anyway is simply props. Autopilot is working properly in case ustanovivschegosya flight mode - use a toggle switch on the top left - incl. Regime "Stab V» - very comfortable (thanks to S. Gritsevskomu).

Changes in the standard
In the panel mode

Standard side species often have an informative sense, especially species of back-right, back left - so I change them in the traditional panel.cfg. In this case, change all kinds, except for "forward", but if you type "vperd-right, forward, left, right, left" changes are purely for easy review, the types of "back, back-right, back-left" in general in This case does not make sense-eye simply rests on the wall - so they are changed as shown in the pictures on the following page:

Virtual cockpit

Virtual cockpit, fully working sufficiently detailed, a lot of animation. Animated all standard parts and levers - the wheel, step-gas, park. brake pedal.
In addition, animated pilot's license, fans (raskruchivayutsya themselves depending on the speed of flight), the door to the cockpit (in clave. "O" (default) - Gates - they are in this model is not employed and have their own key by default). Window shutters open on the "issue of water booster - WATERRADDER deploy" (I have lots of default-key change, so I do not remember the deflation of destination - check in my settings, Sim), hatch in the cockpit opens to the press opening of cargo doors (on default, mud Sh Ctr E 2, a terrible combination, so I had long been replaced by a Tab / Tab 2).
VC is similar to the difference panels, Afghanistan differs from the usual, Cabinet-seat open on the standard button on / off the autopilot (conventional aircraft, I ordered it aircraft.cfg specifically for just that, in vert. Dynamics of it have no effect). Also available in the VC all visible animations - Opening doors, g / hatch, unloading cargo, opening the floor to cover the external hook spider. suspension in the form KolAvia. Different types of goods in different variants - containers, barrels, different variants of gear pilots.
So who are interested in - suggest a simple way to get around VC - I do not use it for any aktivkamer - simply because nobody is flying today on the clave (at least in this model is not intended) - so the "idle" the mass of simple and convenient buttons - so I switched premeschenie camera up and down on the keys 0 and 9, right-left-back and forth - at the cursor arrow keys, reset the camera to its original position - to Enter - very convenient and easy to move from the cockpit. Below is visual infa on all the above:


External models as well as the cockpit and, quite clear animated, also used smile.gif animation - so read this section.
See the picture below:

1. Animated swash plate (author - Artem GILTY)
2. Door - default Ctrl Shift E 1
3. CTvorki gruzolyuka (key TailHook - hook, default can not remember check-in options)
4. Unloading-loading luggage - (working on the land only) - default not remember - the key to FoldingWings - folding wings
5. Window shutters of the crew - "release the water rudder - WATERRADDER deploy"
6. Headlights - vupusk-cleaning-Landing Light - default Ctrl L
7. Opening the hatch covers and sliders - the second exit, default Ctrl Shift E 2
8. Install wheel pads and plugs the nozzle - the key to Customise animation, working on key «N» and works only when pushed from 2D or 3D cockpit. Change it is not possible - if coincides with some of the frequently used commands - you can decide what to do.

External suspension - is connected to the
Key «Flight director» - smile.gif animation
but the change itself shortcuts
possible (Ctrl F),
team itself in helicopter dynamics
has no influence -
just when you turn
appear remarks - disappears
This is the suspension - do not turn on the small
height-height restrictions
not programmed!


The dynamics of the original, the basic characteristics - weight, the amount of fuel, number of sliders correspond to the reality. Why I refused a magnificent, classical dynamics for this model, it seems, Konstantin Antipin? Because that's a bit confused these lines:
engine_type = 1
Engine.0 = 11.975, -0.984, 2.624
Engine.1 = 11.975, 0.984, 2.624
Engine.2 = 5.000, 0.000, 3.000 -
Ie, three engine. What type of engine - edinichka, ie, like a jet. Nothing wrong with that - the main thing flies well. But nevertheless wanted to do something based on type of engine 3 - «heloturbine".
I do not want to say that my best, I'm not a pilot and a bit in that sense - but just wanted to make my own. Who wants to change the dynamics on the other - I do not mind - as he continually received - the dynamics, as the East - is a tricky business ... But at the same time when replacing aircraft.cfg be careful - there are registered a lot of options for the correct operation of the animation and effects - they should be copied to new aircraft.cfg!!!
This same dynamic is made for a good joystick, preferably with the technology "Handltweest» (I've got a Logitech Extreme 3D Pro) - or with individual pedals - at the present dynamics of this joystick, I calmly soot helicopter without the autopilot if the pedals to work properly (in this case the same "handltvistom").


For this model I have developed five main effects:
1. Zero ZHzero - for what would be in touch with the concrete was not "airborne" effects of fire and smoke.
2. Coverage of the cargo compartment ZH_M8cabin - Emulation lamps ceiling r / cab.
3. Nursi effect ZHnurs - simply fired rockets from the cassette Nursi, by pressing the cells. I (smoke detector) followed by the effect of an explosion in a collision with the earth.
4. Shot gun PKT ZHpkt - in the form of tracer gun and release liners and links which are made by pressing the cells. I (smoke detector).
5. Emission of infrared traps ZHikpp - this effect was developed by me earlier for the model AN-12, here I am screwing it without changes, by pressing the cells. I (smoke detector).

From the foregoing it is easy to understand what effect the last 3 have a common drawback - they are connected to one key, a smoke system. Unfortunately, I do not think of anything better, so in this aircraft.cfg connected by default effect of machine guns and traps, the effect of missiles there, but it is off. If, for example, for flights on the Afghan version you want to include the effect of rockets - do sledueeschee:
Open any text editor aircraft.cfg, look for the line:
smoke.0 = 0.00, -15.30, 0.00, ZH_ikpp.fx / / / a click-five second!
/ / / Smoke.1 =- 0.00,7.00,10.00, ZH_nurs / / / 1 click-a missile!
/ / / Smoke.2 = 0.00,7.00, -10.00, ZH_nurs / / / 1 click-a missile!
smoke.3 = 0.00, 20.00, 0.0, ZH_PKT / / / a click-five second! Harvesting slashes in strings 1i2:

smoke.0 = 0.00, -15.30, 0.00, ZH_ikpp.fx / / / a click-five second!
smoke.1 =- 0.00,7.00,10.00, ZH_nurs / / / 1 click-a missile!
smoke.2 = 0.00,7.00, -10.00, ZH_nurs / / / 1 click-a missile!
smoke.3 = 0.00, 20.00, 0.0, ZH_PKT / / / a click-five second!
- In this case, all the effects work.

If, for example, what would you want to work only the trap:

smoke.0 = 0.00, -15.30, 0.00, ZH_ikpp.fx / / / a click-five second!
/ / / Smoke.1 =- 0.00,7.00,10.00, ZH_nurs / / / 1 click-1 missile!
/ / / Smoke.2 = 0.00,7.00, -10.00, ZH_nurs / / / 1 click-a missile!
/ / / Smoke.3 = 0.00, 20.00, 0.0, ZH_PKT / / / a click-five second!
- And so on - that is, responsible for a set of effects on you, and using civilian models press "I" better not to use ... As they say, sorry for the inconvenience.
I foresee some of the claims of the effects, especially the effect of rockets - it's pretty crude so far, I will elaborate, it is always possible to publish the upgrade, do not want to because of that hobbled the whole package.


Well, here I am a complete ignoramus, put what was at hand (but I like the sort) - so do not hold it against me, to change - second case, it would be for that ...

Basically, it is all presented texture - with the layers, substrates etc. in format PSD. But that would not inflate the bag to the size ambitions Madame Tymoshenko, I put in a package only three of the most characteristic:
AEROFLOT - from it can easily be repainted in the northern Orange (sick of this word so far as any normal citizen of Ukraine), the more that this coloring has many other regional companies;
AFGHAN Camouflage - for quick repainting of military sides;
United Nations - he was originally universal, white, out of it you can draw anything you want.

FS9 and FSX
The model is designed only for FS-9! There are no revisions for FSX. Unfortunately, the author has a very bad experience on this sore subject - but, alas, the model only for the nines - all kinds of processing under the FSX will rastseney me as piracy.


Very simple - plain - just unzip all the folder Sim Aaircraft, folder Effekt perebroste Effects folder in the root of sim (folder Effect / Texture - respectively in the folder Effects / Texture root sima), folder GAU - in the root folder Gauges Sim - all fly health.


Artem Gilty aka ReDut - Animated rotor and swash plate
Michael Panyuta aka Mitch - visual infa on cockpit, consultation
Aka Scorpio999 - great ideas to Customise animation, animation allowed to create an external suspension
Aka Rotor83 - visual infa by PKT
Aka Dexter - INFA by PKT
Aka Gelmut - for the constructive criticism and not in the discussion model
Pavel Bolshakov - for moral support - due to the letter of Paul, I still decided on this publication
Stepan Gritsevsky - thanks again to the Master domestic virtual instrument!

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Successful flight
And soft landings!

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- Vladimir Zhigulskaya
- Vladimir Zhyhulskiy
Kiev, Ukraine, e-mail:
July, 2010

Freeware, use of the given model and its parts
is forbidden for commercial use.
The large request - at accommodation of this model
or repaints on other sites to inform the authors.
Forbid accomodation in on CD without the sanction of author.

For FS-9 ONLY!!! Not upgrade for FSX!!!

The free publication of this package in a network ONLY on sites,, is resolved. On all others - only from the sanction of the author.

The SPECIAL WARNING to misters from site FSPLANET.COM - any publication of this package, his parts or changes on the basis of this package - is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN ON YOUR SITE!

The package contains some parts of other authors - the main rotor from Artem GILTIY and gauge AP-34 from Stepan GRITSEVSKIY - all rights on these parts of a package belong to the specified misters.
I have to say Fellas, I am extremely impressed. This new version is truly outstanding in every aspect!

Mike :ernae:
Thanks to Claudius, I can go fumble with some switches and see if I can fly this thing!!! :salute:
I'm assuming the previous versions' paints will work too.
Anything by Vlad is always a pleasure...

He mapped the textures on this one differently too the rest of them, so old textures wont fit.
Very nice job on the models.

Great, thanks for the H/U! :applause:

Now, if only we can convince Vlad to do an Mi-6 Hook and an Mi-26 Halo.... :wiggle:
Unable to modify my above post.
...This is not as hard as I was suspecting it was going to be to fly. Nicely done and a joy to fly.
I downloaded, installed, fired up the sim. And within 5 minutes had crashed this helo 3 times...the last one being a spectacular demonstration of my plane destroying abilities...end over end, while spiraling like a football. Were those UN weapons inspectors screaming their heads OFF!

Love this bird!

It's once again a beautifull Russian machine if the FS skies.
Big thanks to Vladimir, this is another freeware beauty :jump:

(and compatible with FSX too)




I tested it in FSX Accel but the windscreen is opaque and the rotor blur is horrible. The instruments work fine and the frame rates are excellent though.

1. Animated swash plate (author - Artem GILTY)
2. Door - default Ctrl Shift E 1
3. CTvorki gruzolyuka (key TailHook - hook, default can not remember check-in options)
4. Unloading-loading luggage - (working on the land only) - default not remember - the key to FoldingWings - folding wings
5. Window shutters of the crew - "release the water rudder - WATERRADDER deploy"
6. Headlights - vupusk-cleaning-Landing Light - default Ctrl L
7. Opening the hatch covers and sliders - the second exit, default Ctrl Shift E 2
8. Install wheel pads and plugs the nozzle - the key to Customise animation, working on key «N» and works only when pushed from 2D or 3D cockpit. Change it is not possible - if coincides with some of the frequently used commands - you can decide what to do.

External suspension - is connected to the
Key «Flight director» - smile.gif animation
but the change itself shortcuts
possible (Ctrl F),
team itself in helicopter dynamics
has no influence -
just when you turn
appear remarks - disappears
This is the suspension - do not turn on the small
height-height restrictions
not programmed!
With over 17,000 built, this is the world's biggest selling helicopter, and no doubt the biggest bargain considering its large payload. I was in one in a museum here in Japan, and the cabin is at least as wide as a regional airliner.

This is a great addition to my fleet. I wish it had a 20 seat airliner interior like the one I saw in the museum, but it's still a definite freeware gem.