For most of my flying, I wouldn't be without Plan-G. For keeping track of my whereabouts, it's the least expensive (free) and easiest to use -- after going through the included tutorial, that is. If y'don't take to time to run the tutorial, it can be a tad confusing and you'll miss-out on most of the good features.
As previously noted there's the "older", V2.xx version that uses the most detailed (Google) maps, so for my bush-type flying, that's the one I use. For airline-type flying, the newer, V3 is just the ticket. Put another way, each version has its strong points that best enhance the type of flying you do -- low/slow, or high/fast.
I should stress that these are my views, btw; mileage may vary.
Happily, you can have both versions separately installed, and they work beautifully as independent entities. As I indicated, they're permanent fixtures in my personal Flight-Sim scenarios.
Hope all that blather clarifies things, for you a wee bit.