planes going nuts


Sometmes when I change planes, the plane I've chosen will basicly go nuts ,bounceing around and finally settling on the runway or someplace else it a totally different direction.
Anyone knows what causes this?
It doesn't always happen and maybe if I chose an other plane it doesn't do this. It happens with both stock and addon planes .At times the plane settles with a wing in the ground and if I didn't have crash diabled it would register as a crash everytime.
Also at times it causes the sim to freeze up and I have to reboot.

I work on many different types of 'sim objects' (planes, boats, vehicles, ufo's, etc) so I expect the same things you mention, and on occasion DO get this. Usually it's the contact points. But sometimes it's the model (size, etc) that may cause this. Models are all different. And if I don't load the C-182 Skylane (which I have learned to make my 'default' flight/start up flight to reduce such) I will end up at the S Pole in the dark and swimming around helplessly in the cold water. Here is what I do to 'mitigate' all of this.
(1). Make your start up/default flight the C-182 Skylane at your 'local' airport at Rnwy xxx (North Heading because of wind).
(2). After I load the C-182 I go to 'World/Go To Airport' and key in the ICAO of that local airport and choose a North heading runway (ie: 320).
Then, if anything happens, I just 'force' sim by (essentially) doing a 'reset' (C-182 at Local Airport Rnwy XXX) by doing 'Go To Airport'. It
doesn't matter if you crashed, sim crashed (due to scenery?), or just want to start over, this works to re-set things back for 'start over'. Then minimize sim, go aircraft.cfg or air file and make corrections/changes. Reload to see changes to cfg and reload the default flight (C-182 first, then modified aircraft) to see changes to air file.
(3). When my flight ends up with model crashed with wing in ground I simply hit 'Y' key (slew) ON/OFF quickly to set aircraft back on it's wheels and must hit F1 (throttle cut) as it will go to 100% throttle after slew key is pressed on/off.

So, I never use a 'strange' aircraft for my start up/default flight. Not a good idea. I always (ALWAYS) use the C-182 Skylane for my default flight (boring, I know, but it is the only 'safe' way to fly! Cheers.
Chuck B
Thanks so much

I followed your instructions and so far it seems to work.Thankyou so much for your suggestions.