Question about the Volpar


Staff member
I have seen a few of the "Flight19" pilots flying this airplane during some of our flights and decided to download both the "Tri-Gear" version and the "Amphib" version. Also downloaded a few extra liveries and got them both installed. I went flying last evening after our regular flight and while, for the most part, it flew quite well and seemed stable, when it came to turns it was very squirrely (mushy and unable to make a tight turn at slow speeds). Also, on landing it felt like an old Chevy with worn shocks, bouncing on the main gears even after a soft smooth landing. Was there ever any FDE updates to the original airplane that anyone is aware of?
When it comes to hours logged in a twin-engined radial bird, the Volpar is at the top of the list. Brian Gladden's Volpar, while an older bird, is still a very nice plane. I have had no issues with the Volpar's air or on the ground. I can't recall if there was an update for the FDE or not.

I do know that Brian sent me a revised MDL file for the tri-gear Volpar with a reworked cowl opening shape. He gave me permission to upload that new MDL file with some paints and interior revamping I was doing at the time.....can't recall if I ever got around to finishing up that work and getting it uploaded. Will have to dive into my files and take a look see...but that will be done later....right now the SUN is SHINING and I hear the great outdoors calling my name. It's 70 degrees!!!!!!!!!!

small rudders are a fact of life with them in the air and with the longer nose of the tri-gear it's got more yaw-resistance. The Flight dynamics will be similar to, but less precise than a regular Be18 (this is also the Beech 18 G/H which has a slightly higher gross weight as well)

IIRC the Volpar is set up to have a castoring nosewheel so it requires diff. braking for turns, and my R/L memories are that the mains were soft and the nose gear had a long, bouncy throw - but that was 40 yrs ago so things fade.

I enjoy it too, and likely have learned to ignore the quirks of the FDE. I'll try it in a bit and see what I find

edit: just did a bit of bashing around in the circuit. The controls aren't well-harmonized.. lots of rudder required for anything but quite light ailerons and effective rudder so coordinated turns take care and concentration and strong legs. I never let the speed get too low but it flew the pattern nicely at 95-110 kts and stable on final - a good amount of drag with gear and last notch of flap
It IS a bit wobbly on the gear and, if you don't watch it, very sensitive to CofG. I had 2 pilots, almost full tanks and and another 1300# in back. With the weight biased to the rear I could get it porpoising in taxi to the point ( with aft stick) where it would sit on it's tail, although it would come back up with brakes and power. Move the weight to the middle and it was ok. In r/l it was the same I think. I know one autoparts pilot who tail-sat his Volpar when he braked too hard in taxi - on the rebound it squatted! OOPS.
Good amount of torque with the two big 450's and maybe a bit too much power.
I'd call it "average" for FS9 with no real vices.
One small thing...
On looking in the folder (trigear) I had a second (marked 'backup') .cfg file with a comment that it was from Fred Choate. the only difference I can see is the nosegear contact line:

"Stock" (?) -- point.0 = 1, 8.985, 0, -7.5955, 1573.938, 0, 1, 52, 0.462, 2.5, 1, 5, 7, 0, 0, 0 <<-- in use
Fred's ------ point.0 = 1, 8.9884, 0, -7.5, 1573.938, 0, 1, 50.58, 0.462, 2.5, 1.216, 5, 5, 0, 0, 0 <<--

I don't know why the change, or who added it, but it's there
Many thanks for sudden rush of information, lol. . .I was beginning to think no one flew this bird anymore. It appears that I simply need some more stick time to get accustomed to the intricacies of the Volpar. I plan on doing just that. Thanks again for the information.
When it comes to hours logged in a twin-engined radial bird, the Volpar is at the top of the list. Brian Gladden's Volpar, while an older bird, is still a very nice plane. I have had no issues with the Volpar's air or on the ground. I can't recall if there was an update for the FDE or not.

I do know that Brian sent me a revised MDL file for the tri-gear Volpar with a reworked cowl opening shape. He gave me permission to upload that new MDL file with some paints and interior revamping I was doing at the time.....can't recall if I ever got around to finishing up that work and getting it uploaded. Will have to dive into my files and take a look see...but that will be done later....right now the SUN is SHINING and I hear the great outdoors calling my name. It's 70 degrees!!!!!!!!!!


Tim, I have your updated model file from Brian that you upload from back then. The date on my download is 11/12/2011, the readme by you is from 11/11/2011. Can't find any repaints by you tho'. Lot's by Don Brynelsen, and a few by Dale Caruso, but none of yours. If you had released them, I would have them.
