RAF Brize Norton-Cold War


Jr. Admin
I'm pretty well along in getting my latest FS 9 "Cold War/Silver Wings" installation up to speed. I thought that I'd backdate RAF Brize Norton to the Cold War when USAF B-47s flew from that base. I used Nick Black's Brize Norton modern scenery (nbegvn06.zip) and then just updated (backdated?) the traffic files to use the now freeware Alphasim AI B-47 Stratojet and the Calclasic MATS AI package.

I'm not sure what these air cadets were doing buzzing around a SAC base, but their upcoming graduation may now be in question.
Looks great, Jagdflieger! Have a heart re: those students - you were young yourself once, you know.:isadizzy:

Check the Freeware scenery offering of Barksdale AFB if you have that package. The freeware AI B-47 should be in there.

Update: I don't see the Scenery offering anymore and I seem to recall a thread a month or so ago that they were having and issue or two with one of the scenery designers and there was talk of removing some of his work. Looks like they may have removed all of their freeware scenery offerings by the looks of the current Freeware page.
I use Rey Lopez's "FS2002/FS9 Boeing B-47 Stratojet" as an ai in some of my traffic files. It works pretty well for me, the load seems low enough that my old steam-powered Dell can display several at once. It seems to behave fairly well with the original airfile. The textures could use some work, but it serves my needs pretty nicely.
Just tossing that out if someone is looking for an ai B-47.
Looks really cool Jadg, wish i'd jump'd on the B-47's when they first appeard, i dont fly much in the USA so i passed that one, my mistake,
I belive Fairford, which is only a few miles away, was also base for the 47 in its time.
cheers ian
Ian, yeah Fairford housed them, and was the initial reason for its runway being lengthened initially :salute: Fairfords key role these days is that of a 'Forwards Operating Base' (As well as being home to RIAT), it was also a trans-oceanic abort site for the Space Shuttle if anything went wrong in the first stages of the 'downrange'... had NASA-trained fire and medical crews stationed on the airfield.
I use Rey Lopez's "FS2002/FS9 Boeing B-47 Stratojet" as an ai in some of my traffic files..

David Wooster's old FS2002 B-47 works as an AI plane, and it doesn't have that prominent and completely wrong big black nose radome that can't be removed from the Lopez model. (That's because the nose of the Lopez model is untextured; the black color is in the model file and can't be painted in the textures.)
Looks to me like all the scenery has now been removed from here: http://www.virtavia.com/Freeware/
Yes they have been removed. They were never supposed to have been released as freeware on the Virtavia site. They are the same packages as those sold for FS2004 by Team SDB in various online shops. Phil screwed up big time there. It is estimated that Team SDB lost revenue in excess of £954 before realizing what had happened. So hope you all enjoyed the free gift while it lasted. But now that you know it was a mistake and these are indeed commercial products you are picking apart you should not be redistributing any aircraft, buildings, etc., from those sceneries. Sorry about that.

I didn't realize that Fsfranek. I remember a thread about some issue, but I didn't realize that it was of that magnitude.

I guess we'll use the a fore mentioned B-47E by Hooker as and AI in the future.
Sorry about that but yes, please use the other aircraft/parts.

I didn't realize that Fsfranek. I remember a thread about some issue, but I didn't realize that it was of that magnitude.

I guess we'll use the a fore mentioned B-47E by Hooker as and AI in the future.