Uoloaded the repaint for Paul Clawson's FS9/GW3 Martin B-10


Uploaded the repaint for Paul Clawson's FS9/GW3 Martin B-10

The babe wears a fresh set of clothes, an experiment to just see what I could do. All textures are new, extract the entire folder texture.174, no overwrites. You will likely wish to drop my propwash texture into both other textures. Just now uploaded to your friendly neighborhood outhouse.

A new VC panel texture is enclosed also.

Thanks for the paint Cazzie...looks great!

PutPut (Paul)...thanks for all the wonder aircraft you have produced for the various sims. Between CFS2 and FS2004, I must have 2 dozen or more of your aircraft either installed or waiting to be installed.

PutPut (Paul)...thanks for all the wonder aircraft you have produced for the various sims. Between CFS2 and FS2004, I must have 2 dozen or more of your aircraft either installed or waiting to be installed.


Same here OBIO, most all snuggled away in a GW3 hanger. I just love flying that wonderful little add-on by Bill Lyons. Same outstanding frame rates as FS9, just better close to the ground, especially with all the FSGenesis 38-meter DEM mesh. I didn't fool with Bill's textures, but I had to add US Roads in GW3 for VFR flying, since I no longer used it in FS9 after I got Ultimate Terrain - USA.

There are twenty different American aircraft on the postage stamp released in 1997 and I plan to do them all. I had about every plane needed except a Martin B-10. PuttPutt filled the bill, I just wanted to do the version on the stamp. I could not put the Squadron insignia on the engine nacelles, because threre is only one texture for both nacelles and doing so would mirrored one outside on one and one inside.

Thanks for the paint Cazzie...looks great!

PutPut (Paul)...thanks for all the wonder aircraft you have produced for the various sims. Between CFS2 and FS2004, I must have 2 dozen or more of your aircraft either installed or waiting to be installed.


:amen:to that. i have quite a few of Paul's models starting from FS2002 and continuing to FS9, and enjoy flying them from time to time.
Thanks for hours of simming enjoyment, Paul :ernae: