Vladimir Zhyhulskiy's Transall C160


You might have solved (?) your problem, or maybe gone on to other things. I decided I would take on the Transall and have piston and turbo prop version that fly 'fair'. I have to do a few days more of test flying to finish up, so let me know if you're still interested. The turbo prop version seems to be better for hand fly/landing. It's fast (cruise_speed= 385.0 Knots (KTAS), max_indicated_speed= 465.0 Knots). Lands 90 Kts. Autopilot works perfect. ILS is very good (depending on YOUR skills, of course). Like I said, give me a until next Tuesday to finish. Weekend will be getting in the way (chores, etc). Cheers.
Chuck B
Transall FDEs

B-vs-A NKL,
Here are new fdes for the C-160D Transall. The contact points have been tweaked (nose was too far back). The same cfg and air file will work in FS9 and FSX. No edits to make (other than maybe 'variation_name=xxx' line). I want some feed back (good and bad) so will be back to see what I missed. I am not perfect, but am willing to fix. Meanwhile I will work on 'true' Turbo-Prop FDEs for the purists (or rather the experienced pilot that wants to adjust the mixture and/or prop to suit his/her needs). Give me a week. Need suitable air file. Enjoy.

Here you go buddy. Hope you like.

Chuck B
Just to clear up any confusion: The C-160 has been a turboprop design from the start.
You were right, maybe not a great looker (enclosed a screenie) but now sure a great flyer.
View attachment 77568
Took a hop from KSUU to KEDW, down the coast. Used default loadout settings (i.e., 100% fuel, no payload) and the following seemed to work just fine:

TO - 133KIAS w/1 notch flaps
CLIMB - 500 FPM 140 KIAS w/1 notch flaps, then to 1000 FPM 144 KIAS w/no flaps
CRUISE - an easy 300 KIAS at 9500 FT at about 55% power according to the panel (enclosed a screenshot of panel at cruise)
View attachment 77569
-Kinda difficult to judge some things from this panel - prop RPM remained frozen at 0%, could use only engine RPM as a gauge
DESCENT - backed off to about 30% power at 1400FPM ROD, no flaps - good handling and no tendency to surge or sink
APPROACH - 119 KIAS w/2 notches flaps, ca. 500 - 600 FPM ROD
TD - 85 KIAS w/3 notches flaps, engines just above ground idle, slight nose-high attitude

The airplane handles well on the ground, no tendency to allow oversteering due to extreme steering sensitivity, plus there is no tendency to taxi at 40-50MPH with throttles set at 5% power, requiring constant toeing of brakes down the taxiway (which some aircraft do). Installing the appropriate RCBCO gauge and setting the desired taxi speed at 4MPH still results in some aircraft doing about 8MPH and constantly nose-diving due to brake applications, BTW. This one sure doesn't do that - very nice indeed.

This is the only panel I could find after a search at FlightSim.com, who seem to have the best selection. Default sounds seem to be from the FS2002 KingAir. Will search for something more appropriate.

Great job on the config and air file, and many thanks!

Thanks for the report. We can hammer on this some more to get it right. I don't know everything. Any help is appreciated.

The sound? It's a file at FSCom called 'tbprop.zip', 7.3 Mb, dated May 2000, by Reinhard Herrmann. Works well in FS9 and FSX. I love it.
Chuck B
I'll take a look at that file you recommended.

Hard to see where you might want to improve with this, it flies so well. Ground handling excellent, too. You want to know who puts that panel out? I forget the maker's name but it's on Flightsim under "Panels" when you put in "Transall." Let me know if you want it. I saved Vlad's panel and will try a flight with that, too.
There is also a soundpack at Britsim called "tynesnd.zip". It's meant to go with Rick Piper's Vanguard, but for the Transall it should do just fine.
Thank you Rally, will check out. I installed a Tyne soundpack already but there's no harm in checking out another one.

Stefan - I visited that site, and it indeed espouses worthy causes. Where is the price located? I clicked on a number of locations at the site hoping to find one but couldn't.:mixedsmi:
Stefan - I visited that site, and it indeed espouses worthy causes. Where is the price located? I clicked on a number of locations at the site hoping to find one but couldn't.:mixedsmi:

On the English version of the site the link is missing.

Go to the Flightsimulator page that shows the various images of the model,
then click on the German flag at the top of the page to switch languages. Just above the screenshots you will find a link Or use this one :icon_lol::

Um das Transalladdon zu bestellen klicken Sie Bitte hier.

Unless your German is passable you may have to run the page through a translator to make sure you do the process correctly. Note that it is a boxed CD so there's the matter of postage/shipping ( I didn't go that far)

Let us know how it works!