Where is Mud Marine!!?


That darn guy.. He should have been back by now..

Are we going to have to go over there and drag him back in??



He seems to be spending most of his time over at Canelo's Cantina. :gossip: I hope he hasn't fallen under the spell of Panther's muscle-ladies. :icon_eek:

I know he's 'alive' or the guy I saw last night was his stunt double... but he's also 'away' but he'll be back, or so he sez.. but then again.. (and yes, he's been seen over on the dark side, but maybe it's just that Elvis has left the building)

I'd be away too if I could afford it.. I hate the cold.
That sly fox was reading this thread this morning local time (mine that is). He's around....


Okay, Mud, there's TOO much going on NOT to have you in the mix, bud ! Jump in and hang on ! :wave:
I bet if we leave out some 'gorilla cookies' from MRE's he will take a bite out of them when nobodys looking:rapture: