I'm really close....


Flight Sim Junkie
to just saying F this new sim, I don't care how good it might look. What good is it if it ain't working. Now simconnect is disconnecting from external apps like SpadNext and Autofps every time I pause or go into a menu. It seems to be an issue with a lot of people, so I'd be surprised if it were me. Their motto should be "The sim that keeps you guessing, even if it works today, it may not tomorrow". I'm spending less and less time with it because it's so frustrating.

Ah the pleasure of low expectations! Like the guy who says to his date: "you don't sweat much for a fat chick", it doesn't crash much. Some under the breath non religious oats utter this morning as I was awarded the new user trophy and it forgot I had any bindings or settings.
I don’t really think anyone had extremely high expectations after 2020 and what was heard after the Beta testing folks were told they could voice cautious opinions.
But having been around all forms of FS for 40+ years now, I can safely say this is the worst ever…..well maybe on par with MSFlight or what ever that abomination was called.
I am definitely glad I held off buying a new sim PC just yet, as I have done with almost every other new version of MS Flightsim. I stillwill probably need one, at some point. But right now it is simply not worth it.
Aside from the visuals, which are pretty good, two or three fairly decent stock airplanes like the HU-16 just about everything is worse than 2020 and in many cases worse than FS9 or FSX.

They seem to have built a console game, that doesn’t even work well on the console, and is horrible for anyone trying to simulate flight.
And apparently wherever the deciders live 200Mbit download speeds must be a sure thing. Because absolutely no thought was given to folks who might have to work with 25% of that.

So far I have 5 hours of flight time accumulated in FS2024. And that is since the day of release. I don’t want to even think about the hours I simply sat there being frustrated with either the loading time, the ridiculous control setup, the near impossible 3-screen setup……

I can see how some would ask for their money back. Or at the very least chalk this up as an utter failure and walk away.
One thing is absolutely dead sure now…. X-Plane may not be perfect by any stretch of the imagination either, but it’s worlds of magnitude better than this.
I put it on the back burner for now. Went back to MSFS2020 just so I could continue flying. The roll out for 2024 was a poorly planned and thought out process. I'll wait a few months before going back to MSFS2024. Uninstaling for now. Streaming everything has been a disaster.
I honestly don't understand all of the riff raff about the sim. I purchased day one for whatever it was 79.99 or 89.99 ( which wouldn't even fill a tank of gas in my truck here in good ole California) I've had the most fun I've ever had in a sim before and I've been playing since FS5.1 In one month of playing I have logged more hours than any sim I've had before. Issues? ah yes there have been a ton, but theres nothing that stops me from going back to FS2020 which I havent touched. Career mode has been fun and they're really building something great. Patches have fixed quite a few things and im sure many more to come. Whenever there have been issues I just ask my self has it been worth the money spent so far and the answer is always YES!
I honestly don't understand all of the riff raff about the sim. I purchased day one for whatever it was 79.99 or 89.99 ( which wouldn't even fill a tank of gas in my truck here in good ole California)
That's great...for you. And proves nothing. I know people who were perfectly happy with a Yugo.
And that tank of gas is only going to get more expensive.

There are certainly things in MS2024 that are an advance, and eventually many of the bugs and problems will be at least improved if not fixed.

You like the career mode.....because it is so much fun to taxi along and then be informed that you just crashed your airplane, because there were two conflicting yellow lines painted on the ground ??
I find that rather frustrating.

But to stick for example with the ATC nightmare. The fact that they can't even manage to show the full window with all the available options all the time, that you can't resize it etc etc.
That the "sim" still gives you an ATIS of winds 240 @ 15 and then ATC giving you clearance for 06.
Most of that was actually the case in FS2020, but the performance of the ATC simulation was better than what they have delivered now.

Very clearly there was a deadline for the release and despite pretty negative reviews by Beta testers that deadline could not be moved.
I understand and share to a certain extent the frustration that the new sim brought about.

But indeed, there are more than a few people who like the new sim, love it even. I can relate to that as well. The graphics are brilliant.

Now these differences in opinions and experiences are more than likely due to a whole host of factors and I'm sure that luck plays a good part in it.

It is however (almost) Christmas, so lets keep things civil, shall we?

Merry Christmas everybody!

I honestly don't understand all of the riff raff about the sim. I purchased day one for whatever it was 79.99 or 89.99 ( which wouldn't even fill a tank of gas in my truck here in good ole California) I've had the most fun I've ever had in a sim before and I've been playing since FS5.1 In one month of playing I have logged more hours than any sim I've had before. Issues? ah yes there have been a ton, but theres nothing that stops me from going back to FS2020 which I havent touched. Career mode has been fun and they're really building something great. Patches have fixed quite a few things and im sure many more to come. Whenever there have been issues I just ask my self has it been worth the money spent so far and the answer is always YES!
MS 2020 while not perfect, was pretty stable after 4 years of updates. The expectation of many was that ms 2024 would pick up where 2020 left off. Not the case. It seems rushed to market for a quarterly revenue play. Even DC Designs has admitted to delays of their compatible projects because the new sim is just not there yet. 2020 port overs do seem to work, but have broken bits and bobs. The updates break my installation every time which is most frustrating. That being said, there are some wonderful landscapes you can create, and the animals are interesting with funny animations (if you can find them). I was able to herd some bufflo in Africa and get a tongue lick from a Giraffe. Now that's flight simming at its finest.
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Merry Christmas, everyone. While I am frustrated with the sim, it's not going to spill over into "real" life for me. I'm glad for the people where everything is going well but you can't make me believe all is well. This was pushed out to meet a forecast and nothing will convince me of anything else. I'm sure in time it will be "fixed" but in a perfect world it would have been "fixed" first. And while you may have purchased a $79 product, I paid $200 and expected a little more refined one at that.

If anyone knows why Sim connect keeps "dropping" connections, I'm all ears.

Oh, and Happy New Year, too.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Lou - and a thousand thanks for all you've done for our hobby for all these years, cheers!
Having experienced the launch of FSX in 2006, which was met with calls for a Class Action against Microsoft as I recall, this one wasn't too bad...
It's all about expectations isn't it? Microsoft are red hot on publicity, but we all know what MSFS2020 was like at first launch so it should be no surprise to find that MSFS2024 is just the same.
So....I read this thread and decided to go back and fly MSFS 2020 again. And I was amazed. The aircraft controls worked. The airplanes actually flew smoothly. My control assignments actually worked (and don't get wiped out nearly every time there is an update). And...the scenery wasn't THAT much less detailed than 2024 (although 2024 is the undisputed champion of eye-candy, IMHO). My purchases in the Marketplace (and there aren't many), are there for the download. So my take is this...Currently BOTH sims have a place on my hard drive. I'm actually going to go back to flying 2020 for enjoyment, and occasionally go fly 2024 over the coming months as MS/Asobo works the bugs out. And I'll re-evaluate periodically regarding their progress and the sim's flyability. EDIT - It would be REALLY nice to be able to get pilots visible in the non-native 2024 aircraft...
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That's great...for you. And proves nothing. I know people who were perfectly happy with a Yugo.

You like the career mode.....because it is so much fun to taxi along and then be informed that you just crashed your airplane, because there were two conflicting yellow lines painted on the ground ??
I find that rather frustrating.
And while you may have purchased a $79 product, I paid $200 and expected a little more refined one at that.

Not trying to prove anything just saying with all the issues i'm still find a way to enjoy the sim. I've had many frustrating moments in career but but haven't experienced that taxi issue. The worst one was when I first bought my Cabri for flight seeing company it spawned me into a parking spot in a building and crashed my copter and I lost it haha. Also spent a million on the TBM and havent been able to fly it even once. Laughable bugs that slipped through these cracks but I keep coming back daily to fly this sim. Glass half full? maybe so

I did purchase a $79 sim and I want to upgrade to the premium deluxe, but it wont let me yet. Guessing that has to do with the Marketplace being offline.

Merry Christmas gents and happy flying (in 24 or 20) :D
I was tempted to pay for the full package, but i opted for the $1 trial xbox pass to try his. I just saved myself nearly $300 AUD
I just haven't seen anything in the new sim that I felt that couldn't have just been an update to the last sim. I look at my old screenshots and don't see really much of a difference at all. I feel like I've been bamboozled. Water still looks like poo and I see the tiling even with waves turned up. I flew close the water and dipped my wheels in it and no reaction to it at all, it's like it wasn't even there. I hope it's just my eyes getting older. Tired of changing my controls too. I hope you had a Merry Christmas though and have a Happy New Year.
Yet again I have been awarded the (participation) new user trophy, getting setup instead of start. One gets to again go through all the setup preferences plus bindings. Would be more pleasant if there weren't Easter Eggs in the bindings such as the secret "Engine Auto Stop".
TBH, I can't even get upset at this point. I've been trying to get msfs 2024 to run since 3;00 pm. It is now 8:00 pm and I have spent 0.0 hours flying. Sim will launch sometimes, sometimes it won't and I need to kill it with task manager. Gets stuck at 58%, 60% pick a number. It will sometimes launch and get hung up while setting up a flight. I actually got it running one time and wanted to try out the enclosed PC-6 so I set up the throttle quadrant, removed all the silly chocks and tie downs, got into my seat and alt tab for VR and booom, nothing but a black screen, soo close. Oh, and in case you're thinking it, I did a complete uninstall and re-install last night. And that had caused all my older stuff to become disabled again.

I truly believe that they have sacrificed the simulation for simmers on PC in order to cater to the gamers on X-box. Makes sense, I guess, gotta push those X-boxes. I need to re-assess this whole thing regardless of all the money I threw at it already. Man, things are messed up everywhere these days (boy, I sound like an old man)! I'm going to launch fs2020 to make sure that still works even though I haven't touched it. THen I need to look for an alternative to this madness.

Nope! FS20 did an update on launch and now it won't start. They probably bricked it on me. Never had sims this bad since I started in this back in 05.

Finally, just got it going. For anyone else that may run into this, I had to delete the nVidia cache file to get it to work. I think I may just use 2020 for a while and check back in with 2024 at some time in the future to see if it gets any better.

Happy New Year All,