Jaguar on the way

Good afternoon all,

I've been beavering away with RAF Coltishall for MSFS. It's a project that is allowing me to get back into modelling my own objects, it's been enjoyable so far. I've had some very kind help from Stevo (ACG) who has given me permission to use some of his objects which has/will be a great help, to complement that is John Youngs awesome GSE too. A long way to go still but it's progressing.

Microsoft Flight Simulator Screenshot 2024.06.24 - by DaleRFU1, on Flickr
Microsoft Flight Simulator Screenshot 2024.06.24 - by DaleRFU1, on Flickr
Microsoft Flight Simulator Screenshot 2024.06.24 - by DaleRFU1, on Flickr
Microsoft Flight Simulator Screenshot 2024.06.24 - by DaleRFU1, on Flickr
Microsoft Flight Simulator Screenshot 2024.06.24 - by DaleRFU1, on Flickr

Good afternoon all,

I've been beavering away with RAF Coltishall for MSFS. It's a project that is allowing me to get back into modelling my own objects, it's been enjoyable so far. I've had some very kind help from Stevo (ACG) who has given me permission to use some of his objects which has/will be a great help, to complement that is John Youngs awesome GSE too. A long way to go still but it's progressing.

Microsoft Flight Simulator Screenshot 2024.06.24 - by DaleRFU1, on Flickr
Microsoft Flight Simulator Screenshot 2024.06.24 - by DaleRFU1, on Flickr
Microsoft Flight Simulator Screenshot 2024.06.24 - by DaleRFU1, on Flickr
Microsoft Flight Simulator Screenshot 2024.06.24 - by DaleRFU1, on Flickr
Microsoft Flight Simulator Screenshot 2024.06.24 - by DaleRFU1, on Flickr

Great! Let me know if you need any further details. I was based at Colt for nearly 8 years.
An update from FB

[JAGUAR] Project Update

Long time no news! We have been fully committed on the Jaguar A project those last weeks, 3D model and textures are already well advanced as you can see in the screenshots.

Once more we had the chance to get an amazing support from @Musée Européen de l'Aviation de Chasse - Officiel in Montélimar, providing us access to retired French Jaguar (A and E variants). We could make several 3D scans and tons of pictures, which is absolutely required in order to reach the level of quality we want in the simulator.

Systems and flight model are being worked on in parallel, the aircraft is already able to takeoff and fly by itself. A great deal of work remains but we are pretty glad with our pace.

Most of you saw the news about Flight Simulator 2024 following FlightSimExpo. We are very excited about all the announcements and the new missions included in the simulator, which will surely fit our existing aircraft very well. However we still have fragmented information as as developer, and no access to any SDK yet. Hence we still do not know what our strategy will be to update our existing products and release our new ones (like the Jaguar). We hope to have enough information soon to communicate our action plan with this new simulator.

Stay tuned for an exciting announcement soon!


#msfs2020 #mfs2024 #flightsimulator #jaguar #frenchairforce
Honestly, this is not a Jaguar, it's the French model so it is a "Shaguar"...

I want the GR.1 or GR.4. this is a definite no-buy for me.

Honestly, this is not a Jaguar, it's the French model so it is a "Shaguar"
"Shaguar"? I liked to have rolled out of my chair laughing so hard! Never heard that before. Anyhow. I like both the Brit and French versions, will take either. That being noted, I heard this is a freeware so how can it hurt?
When I was flying the RF-4C out of Shaw, AFB we had a Brit exchange pilot who had flown the Jaguar. He spoke well of the airplane. Of course, he couldn't pronounce it properly.

He pronounced it Jag-U-lar. We in the US pronounce it more like Jag-wire. However, since it was his country’s airplane, we let him get away with it. 😉 I might be interested in buying this airplane provided, like other have said, it has a British version. I will think of him when I fly it.
Yeah, I wouldn't expect the freeware version anytime soon. Lagaffe has his hands full with GAS, the Citabria, and the Canso... He's awesome, but he lives on a planet with 24-hour days. :)
It’s true that I have many projects in progress and still I do not publish them all on SOH ...

As a former computer engineer I always develop my add-ons so that I can re-use the new functions on my old projects. For example, the Super Stearman management interface is an old project I started on the HN-433 Minstrel two years ago and developed on the Super Stearman. Since then, I have carried this work over to the new Aeronca and the Canso PBY-5 where it is working perfectly. Exhaust flams finded on the Stearman are developped for the Canso PBY and etc ...

For the Jaguar A, as it does not seem to be very enthusiastic about SOH, which I fully understand (people prefer GR1 versions), I have stopped publishing on this project. I will continue my work on my french forum with a former pilot and another mechanic who sent a lot of information about this French version.
All tastes are in nature and must be respected :cool: .
Azurepoly now say on their FB page
" confirm that we have developed a complete GR1 exterior model with several RAF liveries, all of which will be included in the product. The main exterior differences compared to the Jaguar A are the specific nose and the tail fin. For now, we decided to keep a unique cockpit for both versions as the GR1 has a very different interior with no avionics in common with the A. We will consider a dedicated GR1 cockpit only after the initial release."
So there will be an external GR1, but for now with a French cockpit...also it will initially be FS2024 only (se we're in the wrong forum...)
Aaannnd they lost me.

No FS2024 here
Change of plan it seems -
"We are proud to bring one of the first native fighter aircraft to Flight Simulator 2024. By leveraging the new features introduced in the sim, we have achieved a level of visual quality beyond anything we have done before. That being said, we decided to prepare a version for MSFS 2020 as we realize that a big part of the community is still flying on this simulator, and that MSFS 2024 will need several months at least to reach a stable state. We plan to release the Jaguar on both simulators and over the same period, for PC and Xbox."
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