Need Front Face Picture of ...

Milton Shupe

Staff Contributor
Staff member
An Avia R-12 engine. I thought this might be the best place for a chance to find such a thing. :)

I have a nice side picture but need the front face for the details.

Thanks in advance for any help offered. :)
So far have only found photos of the RK 12's big brother, the RK 17, but it had nine jugs. Dang.

Will keep looking.

Thanks, I appreciate that a bunch!

You revisiting the Avia 51 Milton? It had the RK 12's. The 156 was fitted with a Hispano-Suiza from what I have read.

You probably found this already: - 0054.html

All I had in my library was a couple of pages from Howson's Aircraft of the Spanish Civil War. Maybe Lefty will be along with something?

Thanks Moses. yes, had the flightglobal one, but the other pictur eis the best quality I have seen.

The best photo I have of the Avia 51. I will see if I still have acess to Jane's and Aerosphere. I seem to remember that Glenn Angle's Aeroshpere had a large section on engines. The earliest Aerosphere that I am aware of was published in 1939, but Mr. Angle may well have carried photos on the RK-12 to fill out the Czech engine catagory.

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...a discussion of the Avias at a modelers site...
Three-quarter shot is the best I can do, Milton. Hope it helps. regards, Mike

That's the best picture I have seen of this engine Mike. I appreciate your help. :wavey:

The best photo I have of the Avia 51. I will see if I still have acess to Jane's and Aerosphere. I seem to remember that Glenn Angle's Aeroshpere had a large section on engines. The earliest Aerosphere that I am aware of was published in 1939, but Mr. Angle may well have carried photos on the RK-12 to fill out the Czech engine catagory.

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...a discussion of the Avias at a modelers site...

Now, you have just made available the very best quality picture I have of this beauty, Thank you Sir! Awesome!
I found some additional information on the Avia engine in the 1939 edition of Aerosphere. There are descriptions of the R12, RK12, and RK17 that allow comparisons but no picture of the R12.
There was no mention of the Avia 51 or the 156.
The 1940 Jane's All The World's Aircraft had neither the aircraft nor the engines (they did have the FW-198:icon_lol:).

Until an adequate R12 photo surfaces, perhaps a "photoshopped" R17 could be substituted.
The dimensions given in Aerosphere between the two are very close. The R12 was 41.22 inches in length, and 42.7 in diameter. The RK17 was 41.93" long and 40.61" in diameter.
The design of the cylinders, heads, and accessories all appear identical. The primary visual differences are the number of cylinders and some crankcase details.
The aeronautical holdings at the Linda Hall technical library are vast and I would be happy to research further as time permits. Hope this helps.

I found some additional information on the Avia engine in the 1939 edition of Aerosphere. There are descriptions of the R12, RK12, and RK17 that allow comparisons but no picture of the R12.
There was no mention of the Avia 51 or the 156.
The 1940 Jane's All The World's Aircraft had neither the aircraft nor the engines (they did have the FW-198:icon_lol:).

Until an adequate R12 photo surfaces, perhaps a "photoshopped" R17 could be substituted.
The dimensions given in Aerosphere between the two are very close. The R12 was 41.22 inches in length, and 42.7 in diameter. The RK17 was 41.93" long and 40.61" in diameter.
The design of the cylinders, heads, and accessories all appear identical. The primary visual differences are the number of cylinders and some crankcase details.
The aeronautical holdings at the Linda Hall technical library are vast and I would be happy to research further as time permits. Hope this helps.


Yes sir John; I appreciate that. And when time allows, further research would be most helpful.
I have started the project as a filler while awaiting other things in process.

I appreciate your interest and help.
This era of aircraft is somewhat neglected, and I really like the looks of this one.
Wow! Great find John! That will be helpful for the flight model. :)

And speaking of technical details, one of the most frustrating things for me is the painstaking process of modeling the fuselage and its face, and major body parts when dimensions are not available, relying solely on a 3-view.

Compare this picture with the 3-view here in gmax.

Note the huge differences in engine sizes and shapes. strut sizes, window and door placement, look at the tail section between door and tail, and general fuselage shape.

So, just a thought when we are critical of designers ...

And this is not to be critical of creators of 3-viewss, they work with the same limited info that we do.

But this is so frustrating and isthe reason I can easily invest 50-100 hours just trying to get the fuselage right comparing 3-views with pictures.
There simply is no substitute for having access to a real aircraft. :)
More fuel for the fire.
A small drawing reputed to be from the Avia factory that appeared in the magazine Letectví+kosmonautika in 2001. Note the similarities and differences between this drawing, the photos, and the other drawing. Small thumbnails like this may have been intended to show a new aircrafts general arrangement and dimensions rather than an detailed engineering drawing. Changes made during prototype construction may also account for some differences.

Span 15.1 m, length 10.75 m.

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Ah yes, I do have this one sir aning my small collection. It helpful in verifying dimensions and has the seating arrangement. :applause:
A little more.
Robert Nebasář, the Avia's designer worked on the metal fuselage Lockheed Vega DL-1 (Y1C-12) at Detroit Aircraft before returning to Prague and joining Avia.

This nice salon photo is from my copy of Revolution In The Sky by Richard S. Allen (1964).
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