SOH Team Project - Grumman Tracker, Trader, Tracer

S-2T Military Turbo Tracker

As promised, here are some screen shots of the prototype military S-2T and the only operator of the production aircraft, The Argentinian Navy.

ConAir Version Ready To Map

Well, seems I have the exterior skin ready for mapping starting today. The only thing I have not resolved is antenna rigging for the forward most top antenna. That can wait.

So, I think I can get this started today.
You know... the "turbo stoof" has grown on me quite a bit... really cleans up the overall appearance of the plane. When I first saw the pics of the version, I wasn't real keen on the looks of it. I remember the S-2 as a radial engine airplane specifically. At least all of the NAVY variants I have pics of, and Trackers I have seen in the real world. Shows you how much I get around these days....:isadizzy:

Looks like a blade antenna mounted to the surface with cable connection inside the aircraft. No clue about the other.

On other aircraft I have done, this antenna has two wires that typically stretch to the wings, fuselage, or hstab. That is what I am looking for.

EDIT: Maybe there are no wire extending from this. The two most clear pics I have in late day with strong sun show none.
I now have the exterior completed the best I can tell but will ask that you look it over for anything I may be missing.
Okay, everything is now prepared for mapping so I will start Monday on that trek. Propbably take a couple days as I have new dining/kitchen furniture coming in for assembly Monday.
Well, I was able to get 4 hours in last night and 6 hours today to finish the mapping. Intense, but done. :)

So, now off to Tom for Flight Model development and get her ready for the paint artist. :jump:
Yes, every single part has been mapped, over 1000 of them. :isadizzy:

Also did the gear bays, every hinge, antenna, bezel, connector, filler cap, plug, bolt, and all those things I typically map generally to one or two colors. :icon_eek: That's kind of how my eyes look right now.

I also totally redid the interior model after all the mapping. :wiggle: The prep for that required about four hours of separating the two models and their differences before I could remap.

I think the mapping templates are much better organized and will be easier to paint the miscellaneous parts on maps with the larger parts to which they are attached.

And the good news is that I received this afternoon and finally got assembled our new kitchen pantry cabinet. :)
That was the inspiration to get the mapping done before it arrived. LOL
You a busy bloke these days, Milton. :isadizzy: So much for retirement, huh? Well, Im glad you decided to keep at it, mate.

:ernae: BB686:USA-flag:
You a busy bloke these days, Milton. :isadizzy: So much for retirement, huh? Well, Im glad you decided to keep at it, mate.

:ernae: BB686:USA-flag:

Hi Milton,
Really a great job again, I am really very happy to know it will soon come out.
Thank you very much.
You a busy bloke these days, Milton. :isadizzy: So much for retirement, huh? Well, Im glad you decided to keep at it, mate.

:ernae: BB686:USA-flag:

Thank you BB and Marty.

We have a lot of things coming to fruition over the next couple/few months. The Dash 7, the Harpoon, the turbo stoofs, the Republic experimentals (xp47j/h), and the Avia 57. Most of my work is done on these projects and I am taking care of other RW things right now.

I hope to get 3 other projects started over the next 3-4 months; the Lodestar, the Cant.1007.Z, and the A-20 Havoc, in that order.
Which versions of the S-2T are planned? Just the Conair Firecat or will there be others as well?
