OFF P2 P3 - some history - the legal bits and the future



Hi Guys,

For those that have supported us in buying our P3 addon - much thanks.
For those that are new to the scene some info that you might want to know about.

1) P2 has only been pulled from our website as we could no longer afford the bandwidth....

2) Its not legally available on Bit-Torrent as we lose ownership of our software once it is.

3) P2 is still available via DVD swaps and its still free!

Next I want to emphasis the legal side of P2/P3.

1) OFF is an addon - you require a legal copy of CFS3 to install and run OFF - this applies to P2 and P3. OFF is no different to any of the Flight Sim addons that are available on the net.

2) P2 and P3 in themselves are not a complete installation of CFS3 - you require many files from CFS3 for them to work but its done automatically during install (files are copied from your legal CFS3 and are not on our disks). The P3 installer has been totally overhauled.

3) P3 'engine' mods - none of the core exe files of CFS3 have been modded in any way whatsoever - all the 'engine' mods are done in real time in the memory of your computer.

And finally the future - as we have posted so many times: - P4 - more craft - more squads and theaters (England Home defence etc)...

Depending on sales and support of P3 it is our full intention to continue with the above - if OFF support is not there then there is no point in continuing on something that is not required as the hours involved is considerable.

However we are all as keen as ever and if support is there OFF continues ON.

To learn more please visit:

and refresh your browsers often.


And finally the future - as we have posted so many times: - P4 - more craft - more squads and theaters (England Home defence etc)...

Depending on sales and support of P3 it is our full intention to continue with the above - if OFF support is not there then there is no point in continuing on something that is not required as the hours involved is considerable.

You got my money :). I hope you get a pile from other folks, too, because I'd like to see more of this. I hope you'll get some more reviews out there to drum up business, though--I only heard about OFF by chance in a naval wargame forum.

I have a question, too. Is it possible to change OFF to work with a newer version of CFS or some other core engine? CFS3 is damn hard to find these days, which might limit your sales.
Well, let's hope that P3 sells well and that there are future enhancements to come.

More two-seaters please and maybe the big bombers and perhaps round out the scout squadrons with some of the lesser-known/used aircraft like Henriots, etc..., Belgian squadrons, etc, and perhaps the bigger bombers. That would be my vote anyway.

Really looking forward to getting P3 in the mail!
Winder- I've seen several comments about CFS3 being a little hard to find. Would it make sense to put a few links on the OFF main website that would help people locate it?

Not to be trollish or condescending, but if they can't find CFS3, it's because they haven't looked very hard. I found it in less than five minutes for less than $10 US.

P4 omg! You guys wont stop eh?? :woot:
In my opinion though...maybe OFF would be taken to the next level if it was made completely stand-alone and not CFS3 dependent! But this is really up to OBD
Actually Dear Reader(s),
It's up to you. The community will collectively decide whether we go forward, with its support.
Yep.. we asked Bush to bail us out too, but he said the banks had to come first.. Uhh.. and the car companies; Soo... all we have is our sim fans.

Im sure I speak for alot of people here when I say, I'll be backing OFF 100% of the way, or until Im plant food.

Cameljockey- Thanks for making my point. You spent 5 minutes when a link at the OFF site would allow our potential customers to simply click (about 2 seconds). I've worked for 30 years in a business where customer satisfaction is the mantra. Selling OFF is a business so it's not a bad thing to make it easy.
Quite tricky viewers of our website are from all over the world

I just tried to put some links on there and I then thought, ah, er oh and .de.. and then it gets rather messy. [edit: Anyway some info added to the web]

I think most people know how to use Amazon in their location?

Anyway I can mention what wording to search for and to try you local ebay, amazon etc site.
I just did a search on the USA Ebay and they have sold in the past, with shipping, from about $8 to about $15
USA has them new from about $12 with shipping and cheaper, used ones around $5 and up. I noticed that Target sells it for $10
I found it for $5 new.

My problem was, I was looking for "CFS3", period. I kept finding "CFS3: Battle for Europe", which I thought was just an expansion. I seem to recall the whole CFS thing was supposed to be a basic flight model thingy to which expansions would be added over time. After all, I also found "Battle for the Pacific" and such things.

I paid very little attention to CFS3 when it was new because I was all into Aces High, Warbirds and/or Air Warrior at the time and didn't like offline sims except for RB3D, especially when CFS3 got a lot of bad reviews. Which is why I didn't own a copy of CFS3 until yesterday, or really know what I was looking for.

I suspect there are other potential customers out there with similar problems. Thus it might be a good idea to put on the web site the full name of the base product needed for OFF. Having that listed would have saved me a lot of time and trouble.

A little off the topic but what difference is there between the CD and DVD of CF3? I have the two CD program but might consider getting the DVD if (1) there was value added in the DVD and (2) I could find a site selling the DVD.
Some sites are rather hard to tell if it is the DVD version for sure. I assume (yes I know it does me for sure) the higher priced one are DVD but I sure would be sorry to receive the CD version at the higher price. :argue:
Thus it might be a good idea to put on the web site the full name of the base product needed for OFF. Having that listed would have saved me a lot of time and trouble.

Yeah thought of that when it was mentioned and put what to search for in the FAQ at the top. Think we are coverd. Too many words on the site now ;)
I bought my DVD copy from a company called Medialis, Polovski is the one who told me I'd find it there. I actually ended up with two copies for about $20 or so, shipped. While their communication wasn't great, and their shipping was not the fastest, it was all fairly reasonable.
Seems they don't have any to sell now though GerhardtvonSchmidt :(