Beware update!

Another fine mess... How they manage to shoot themselves and their userbase in the foot is just unbelievable.

And there we were trying to help AsoboSoft - now signed OUT of beta testing, you can be sure! Luckily it wasn't too hard to put everything back more or less as it was.
I have the full-on DCS setup too and have never spent the time learning it. Looks like the majority 2025 will involve staying in MS2020 and learning DCS, while Asobo works the bugs out!!!
Stupid question:
Is it save now to start the Sim without opting out of the Beta?
I haven't read anything about a fix for this Mathias. I'd be careful if I were you.

Then again, I don't have this installed and I never do beta. I'll try to see if I can find good info on this.



Are you on Xbox/store or Steam? Apparently it's not happening to Steam users. Still reading.

EDIT: whatever you do, back up your community folder first. At least you won't have that nuked.

If you can still backup your community folder, the only thing you'll risk to lose is your settings. And let's face it, those settings are a nightmare. I have read though that people couldn't even do that. Apparently even without launching the sim, either Xbox or the $tore take ownership of the community folder..

M$-A$obo do not work during the weekends, so maybe there will be a fix to this disaster tomorrow or the day after
I have the full-on DCS setup too and have never spent the time learning it. Looks like the majority 2025 will involve staying in MS2020 and learning DCS, while Asobo works the bugs out!!!
Be careful with DCS. The realism and immersion of the fighters is so real that it will be hard to fly a MSFS version afterward.
Be careful with DCS. The realism and immersion of the fighters is so real that it will be hard to fly a MSFS version afterward.
Agreed. If you have any buddies that fly with you ever, having them in the fighters along side you adds a level that is so immersive it's hard to describe.
I have fallen foul of this, so have uninstalled 24.

Every time I try to do the community folder path to my MSFS drive it just adds a further folder, so no aircraft shows up :banghead:

I have come out of the beta program and just hope this gets fixed.