20th Fighter Group - Part II Final.zip

20th Fighter Group - Part II Final.zip 2024-05-03

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This package is the second part of the 20th Fighter Group campaign, re-configured for full auto-install. This will provide nearly all of the scenery objects, ships, airfields and other GSL scenery (including Ettico's EuroTargets) to go along with the actual campaign and mission files required for flying the 20th Fighter Group campaign. Also included are enhanced sounds for AI, machine guns, flak bursts, and explosions for greater authenticity. The files include the work of Ettico, Lawdog2360, Captain Kurt, Groundcrew, The Virtual Navy, Mas, Usio, Psullykeys, AF_Midway, Brunosk, Achim27619, and other developers as well as GSL scenery created by me.

This is the second part of the 20th Fighter Group campaign. This package will include the actual mission/campaign files, to go along with the required objects, ships, and scenery. These two packages are intended to greatly lessen the workload of the user, thereby allowing them to install the numerous parts needed for this campaign with the minimal amount of downloads possible, and also to minimize the risk of any objects being left out.

This package was updated on 01/11/2015 to correct missing folders within the "SHIPS" section that may prevent them from loading on some systems, as well as again on 01/30/2015 to include enhanced weapon, explosion, and AI sounds for greater authenticity.

It was updated again on 03/10/2015 to include revised instructions for installing the expanded country.cfg file, which is necessary for flying the campaign.

The package was updated a final time on 05/01/2016 to correct/improve GSL work, update shipping, and correct aircraft naming errors.



Submitted by Rami
First release
Last update
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