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FM-2 WILDCAT - Pacific Fleet
CFS3 - V2.85.08
AvHistory 1% Aircraft General Statement and Installation Instructions
It is the intention of the AvHistory 1% project to over time build the most accurate aircraft that the CFS3 software can support. The development of a 1% aircraft requires specific and in many cases dramatic changes to the aircraft delivered with the MS game as well as the addition of aircraft built from the ground up by third parties which were never included in the original MS game. We believe that because the AvHistory 1% aircraft are materially different they should not be mixed with "box stock" aircraft in online combat.
All the planes 1% listed for download are qualified for use in our AvHistory William Tell Meet Air Combat Ladder. For information and to get the sign up sheet for the ladder please go to the LINKS section at
FM-2 WILDCAT - Pacific Fleet
This aircraft was built by Gregory SARGE Pierson using version 2.82.104 of the AvHistory 1% Assembly Line process. It is based on the outstanding FM-2 WILDCAT visual created by Anthony GRAMPS Sullenger and his original readme included in this download package has additional information.
Gramps has painted his FM-2 to represent aircraft #9 of VC-7 flying off the USS Manila Bay (CVE-61) of TAFFY fame in the spring of 1944.
VC-7 Pioneered the US Navy's use of high-velocity aircraft rockets (HVAR) in the Pacific. When VC-7 arrived aboard Manila Bay at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii their rocket-equipped Aircraft became a source of interest to the Navy brass there. Rear Admiral Ralph Davidson, Flag Commander of Carrier Division 24, operated from Manila Bay & on the way to the invasion of the Marshall Islands, he ordered a demonstration of these new aerial rockets.
A cable-attached spar had been rolled out astern of the carrier. Eight rockets hit around the target spar exploding shrapnel high into the air & some of the fragments fell onto the carrier's deck, causing no damage but considerable dismay. The admiral was duly impressed. The Navy was similarly impressed by the success of these air-to-ground rockets during their first use in the Pacific theater. Cal-Tech produced the first 100,000 rockets for the fleet on an emergency basis, and soon the nature of naval warfare was changed forever
Grumman had prototyped a new "Wildcat" under the designation XF4F-8, which was to be produced by Eastern Aircraft (General Motors) as the FM-2. With lightened structure and a more powerful Wright R-1820 radial engine, the FM-2 was notably quicker, faster climbing, longer ranged and more maneuverable than its predecessor. To help control the increased power, the new plane had a distinctive, taller vertical tail. All-in-all, it was a great improvement, and more than four-thousand FM-2s were built in 1943-45. Of those, over three-hundred went to the British.
The U.S. Navy FM-2s operated exclusively from escort carriers (CVEs), small ships with notoriously lively flight decks. In the Pacific, CVEs did some ASW, but also employed their "Avengers" and "Wildcats" to provide air cover for invasion forces and close air support for ground troops. Those missions produced opportunities for aerial combat against Japanese planes, and two Navy pilots achieved "ace" status in FM-2s.
The GM FM-2 also played an important role in the 25 October 1944 Battle off Samar, in which a force (TAFFY III) of the slow CVEs and their destroyer escorts out-fought a vastly superior Japanese surface fleet. Taffy III consisted of three types of ships – destroyers, destroyer escorts and escort carriers. In this battle which took place in Leyte Gulf, Taffy III's Destroyer's & aircraft successfully fought off a Japanese fleet headed by the battleships Yamato, Kongo, Nagato & Haruna. The jeep carrier Gambier Bay & 3 destroyers were lost in the action, while the Japanese lost 3 heavy cruisers.
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