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This aircraft is based on the outstanding A-26 visual created by Ed Wilson & JP Demmerle that was original derived from a FSDS model built by Spin-dry for CFS2. The 1% files for this aircraft were built by Gregory SARGE Pierson using version 2.82.104 of the AvHistory 1% Assembly Line process.

Ed's original readme which is included with this plane also lists Hermann 'Krazy" Boltz, Charles "Chuck" Dome, Ric Charlebois-GZR "Frenchy", Marv Howell- GZR "Sactargets", Steve Downing-GZR "Ridgerunner" & AvHistory's Jerry Beckwith as having contributed to this planes completion. His original readme also has further info on the development of this plane and pilots notes from men who have actually flown the A-26.

This plane was painted by Ed to represent a Douglas A-26B-60 flown by the 86th Bombardment Squadron, 47th Bombardment Group, 12th Air Force, based in Italy during 1945.

The 86th Bombardment Squadron, Light was desginated on 20 November 1940, activated on 15 January 1941 and stationed at McChord Field, Washington. Its mission was mainly anti-submarine patrols with the B-18 its primary aircraft.

In 1942, the 86th started its journey through various parts of Europe and North Africa. It was stationed in approximately 20 different locations including French-Morocco (1942), Conrobert, Algeria (1943), Salon, France (1944) and Italy (1945). The 86th supported combat operations with the DB-7, A-20, and A-26 aircraft. The 86th Bombardment Squadron received numerous campaign streamers and the Distinguished Unit Citation in 1943 and 1945.

In 1945 Italy, all combat operations were aimed at plugging retreat routes and
disrupting transport in the N Po Valley and points to the north. Medium bombers hit
the Adige River crossing at Cavarzere and marshalling yard at Gorizia, and
attack 5 bridges and fills on the Brenner line in Austria and Northern Italy, damaging
2 of the targets.

Fighters and fighter-bombers harassed the retreating forces in the North Po Valley. During the night of 24/25 Apr, A-20s and A-26s and night fighters attack the crossings of the Adige and Po Rivers and the Canale Bianco, and strike airfields at Villafranca di Verona, Udine, Bergamo and marshalling yards at Brescia and Verona.

During the night of 30 Apr/1 May A-20s and A-26s bombed targets of opportunity
in North Italy. Bad weather during the day cancels medium bomber operations while
fighter-bombers destroy numerous motor and horse-drawn vehicles in NE Italy. This is the last combat action for the A-26 Invader in the ETO.
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