56th Sentai Ki-61 vs Mustangs

56th Sentai Ki-61 vs Mustangs 2024-09-01

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This mission is about the dogfight between Ki-61s of the 56th Sentai against P-51 Mustangs on 9 July 1945. After the loss of Okinawa and anticipating the invasion of the home islands most units of the IJA and IJN were ordered to stand back and to not participate in any combat to preserve the men and the planes. But at the end of June 1945, GHQ decided the fighters had to fight but only the bombers. Based on Iwo Jima the VLR Mustangs and Thunderbolts were causing so much havoc when they were escorting B-29s that any combat against US fighters was forbidden unless absolute necessity or in particularly advantageous conditions. The 56th Sentai was equipped with Ki-61-II and at least 4 Ki-61-II with the bubble canopy for "combat evaluation" so you will fly this plane in this first (and last) encounter with Mustangs, as after this date the 56th Sentai stopped daytime operations.

In this mission, for the Japanese side I am using the Ki-61-II and the Ki-61-II Late from AcWai/Andrew with skins from UncleTgt, with the 56SQ skins for the Ki-61-II. I am also using AcWai/Andrew Ki-43 with the 20Sentai_NOV44 textures by UncleTgt (not really a Mainland Defense skin but it's the "closest" one for this mission IMO).

For the US I am using the Alphasim P-51D Mustang. For this one there are quite a lot of downloads/options/textures/DPs available so it can be confusing or difficult to choose the right things but I chose to use the ALPHA_P-51D_Mustang_20th_FG by Captain Kurt, as it seems the best mix of eveything available on SOH for the airfile and dp, with a skin from Morton in his rework pack mk_Alpha_P-51Dx8 with the Margaret IV 78th FS15th FG IWO JIMA textures. I am also using the AI_ALPHA_P-51D_Mustang_McIntire by Captain Kurt (to perform a strafing attack) with a skin from Sopwith Chameleon in his sc-alpha-p51-d-megapack#2 for the PTO with the Lil' Butch textures. I am including links of everything (I hope) available on SOH regarding the Alphasim Mustang so you can have the choice between all the options/dps/etc available.

Thanks again to Cody Coyote for his Mission Building Handbook, still not sure if I am doing everything right but I am getting more and more used to this MB.

Thanks to all the creators of every objects, aircrafts, skins, scenery etc used in this mission, I hope I didn't forget someone and that I was clear enough in this readme. Please see the readme of the different downloads.

I tried to make this mission accurate, historical and enjoyable as much as possible but it is certainly not perfect so feel free to modify or change anything and everything in this mission (I am including the mission straight from the MB).

This mission is freeware and should be available only on sim-outhouse.org.


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