87 Sentai Ki44-II Shoki skin by UncleTgt
This is a repaint for Wolfi's Ki44-II Shoki.
This aircraft is a speculative representation of an 87 Sentai aircraft as it might have looked during the RN strikes on Sumatra during late 44 JAN 45. During this time the 87 Sentai was based at Palembang P2 airfield.
Thanks to
Wolfi for a great aircraft, even if it is a beta!
Morten for his excellent repaints, many of his details were used in preparing this skin.
This is freeware and subject to the usual conditions
MAY 2011
This is a repaint for Wolfi's Ki44-II Shoki.
This aircraft is a speculative representation of an 87 Sentai aircraft as it might have looked during the RN strikes on Sumatra during late 44 JAN 45. During this time the 87 Sentai was based at Palembang P2 airfield.
Thanks to
Wolfi for a great aircraft, even if it is a beta!
Morten for his excellent repaints, many of his details were used in preparing this skin.
This is freeware and subject to the usual conditions
MAY 2011