Repaint for the A2A B-17G in the colors of B-17G-10-VE 42-40056 "Holy Terror III" of the 100th BG, 351st BS. On March 8, 1944, "Holy Terror III" was shot down about 15 miles East of Berlin after mechanical difficulties made it impossible to maintain formation. All 10 crew members became POWs till the end of the war. An eyewitness account of the actual day the aircraft was lost states that pilot (2nd) Lt. (Norman L.) Chapman feathered #1 engine, then unfeathered it near Dummer Lake at 1240 hours. He continued with the formation, although straggling, to the I.P. where he was attacked by three (3) E/A. Escorting Fighters went down and picked him up. The aircraft appeared to be under control when last seen.
Repaint by Will "dafraz48" Turner, based on the A2A paint kit, October 2014.