Addictive Ultimate Real Gunsounds by Misson

Addictive Ultimate Real Gunsounds by Misson 2024-05-06

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This work consists of renovation of sounds for CFS2 weapons. For installation in a safe place, first save sound files to be replaced.

Just extract the files in a X folder, and then place selected files in the SOUND folder that is located in the folder of Combat Flight Simulator 2. When the system asks if you replace, accept.

The Pack of subfolders that you download, has particular weapons sounds, are sounds you can choose, for example japanese machineguns, 37mm cannon for german Stuka or 75 mm for Henschel 129. The sound of cannon 20 mm and 30 mm are generic, then sounds 7.92mm (MG42), .303 cal (Browning MK1) and .50 cal (Browning) are real for such guns.

I have endeavored to recreate the firing rates, marked differences in internal or external to the aircraft.
A folder shows some of the resources used for this work.

Addictive Ultimate Real Gunsounds by Misson.jpg

Submitted by misson
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