Aleutians UT BETA

Aleutians UT BETA 2024-05-07

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Aleutian Islands scenery BETA MAR 2011

Custom scenery made with Christian Fumey's ground2kv4.

This scenery rework involves using four separate scenery folders, AleutianEast, AleutianWest, G2K_Aleutians_UT & Aleutians_airbases. It is released this way to allow development work to continue without needing to issue updates that would compromise the existing work structure. Because of the size of the area & large amount of work still needed I've decided to release as is in the hope that sufficient interest is generated to warrant spending further time on this.

As of March 2011 the following items are incomplete:

- Landclass only completed as far as Alaskan mainland.

- Not all airbases have gsl objects added, so they are just blended runways for now.

- Only West Aleutians has coastlines & reworked LWM polys, the rest are still Rhumbas original release.

I've picked out airbases that represent 1942/3, so no US airbases on Attu, Shemya & Kiska. I replaced Xavier's Kiska airbase with something that better matches the terrain & is less developed. You will need to remove Xavier's Kiska airbase from your active scenery before activating this scenery.

This pack was designed for use with Rhumbas new world mesh, & I've stuck with the LOD 8 mesh structure. It will work without the associated watermasks.

The textures used work best with the FSX dark style textures pioneered by Dvslats.

It comprises: Rhumbas New LWM water polys & land polys for the islands, to better match the mesh.This is the contents of AleutiansEast & AleutiansWest. For these two folders, all I've done is to replace Rhumbas landclass with more differentiated landclass & new waterclass files to highlight the lakes.These two folders are the basic terrain set. They are Richard Ludowise's original work, I've just made new land & waterclass & custom terrain bmps to suit.

The G2K_Aleutians_UT scenery should be installed & sit immediately above these two folders. I redid G2K files for the West Aleutian Islands (Kiska, Attu), partly to eliminate areas of non-flat water, & partly to try to add coastlines & lakeshores.

Finally, the Aleutian_airbases.

Credits: Thanks to dvslats for converting Aime Leclerc's FSX textures for CFS 2 - these really do transform the pacific tropical forest regions, & the rock & ice bmps were the basis for my terrain bmps in this set.

Thanks to XavierB & Maskrider for all their airfield masterpieces. These were the inspiration for me trying my hand at developing blended airfields.

Thanks to Christian Fumey, Derek leung, Martin Wright, Richard Ludowise for their tools.

The files contained in these package are freeware & must remain so. Please do not use them commercially.

Uncle Tgt,

MAR 2011

First release
Last update
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