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Allen_Me334_V2.zip 2024-05-01

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Allen used a Bf109G flight model to his original plane. I decided to do a more realistic Airfile aid Air.cfg respecting the tailless approach used by Lippisch. Yes! You have no horizontal stabilizer to deal. The plane is nice to fly since you use small movements in your joystick. You always have a fast reaction to your commands, so, I advise you to fly it a lot before going to combat.

Remember, a lot of German pilots were killed trying to fly the Me163, the rocket driven Me334 brother. The Me334 is fast. I clocked around 740 KPH in the DB-605 plane. To land, I advise you to use your vertical stabilizer to correct course. Ailerons are too responsive to correct the final landing approach. Here is the intended jet version. With a lighter engine, I added two cannons at the nose correcting the anemic weapon of the propeller driven plane.

I added three skins made by Rodolfo Valery. As I suspect non-CFS2 original stuff are causing CTDs, I’m using only standard or very tested gauges like those made by Ground Crew.

Weapons are Luft’46, designed by Laszlo Becz.
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