Textures for the Alphasim/Virtavia CH-46 HELIFOR G-GHCD
Vertol 107 II
Maximum lift capacity, 10,000 lbs
Tandem rotor design equals
- high performance and power efficiency
- high degree of stability for precision load placement
Proven performer at altitudes and in varying weather conditions
Flight range for ferrying – approximately 200 nautical miles per tank of fuel
Dependable - infrequent unscheduled downtime
Specialized lift rigging: spreader bars, ‘fly pallets’, vehicle lift nets, logging grapples, water buckets
Submitted by jeansy
Vertol 107 II
Maximum lift capacity, 10,000 lbs
Tandem rotor design equals
- high performance and power efficiency
- high degree of stability for precision load placement
Proven performer at altitudes and in varying weather conditions
Flight range for ferrying – approximately 200 nautical miles per tank of fuel
Dependable - infrequent unscheduled downtime
Specialized lift rigging: spreader bars, ‘fly pallets’, vehicle lift nets, logging grapples, water buckets
Submitted by jeansy