Ankor's Shaders - February 2025 Release - Part 1

Ankor's Shaders - February 2025 Release - Part 1 FEB25

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Part 1 of 6 - Main Files

Ankor's Shaders is a complete shaders upgrade, from the default DX8 shaders CFS3 shipped with, to DX9. This has included self shadowing, improved environment reflections, performance optimizations, and many other fantastic additions. Development was begun by Andrey Korchinskiy over a decade ago, and it has gone through multiple rounds of improvement over the years. This version builds on previous versions with significant new features.

New features in this version:

-Fully overhauled sky rendering. The skybox textures have been completely removed. Sky color is now set dynamically based on the player's altitude and the density of the haze. Visible corners and banding from the old skybox textures has been completely eliminated. The sky will turn a deeper blue as you increase in altitude.

-Fully overhauled horizon rendering and distance. Several sets of files are included to allow you to set the horizon rendering distance, with a maximum viewing radius of 150km when using the highest settings. At 150km settings, there is no fog wall, allowing for a true horizon line. The horizon is now rendered as a circle around the player instead of a straight line in the distance, resulting in a noticeable improvement for ultra-wide monitor users.

-New terrain texture budgets render terrain all the way to the horizon. Different versions of the file are provided for different horizon distances, which prevents PC resources being wasted on terrain beyond the horizon if using lower horizon distance settings. Terrain detail is now optimized based on altitude, which may reduce stutters when panning views.

-Improved cloud rendering distance and randomization. Clouds can now be rendered all the way out to the horizon at a 150 km radius. New settings allow for cloud and cloud shadow rendering distance to be reduced if using lower horizon radius settings to improve efficiency. Improved randomization of cloud positions prevents repeating patterns.

-Fully overhauled weather and cloud files. All major types of clouds have been created, designed to create rich and varied cloudscapes that stretch across the newly expanded sky. Overcast weather no longer uses a grey skybox, but now renders a true overcast of appropriate clouds all the way to the horizon. This means you can climb from a grey dismal day under the clouds, into brilliant blue skies above them. Clouds producing precipitation create localized visibility reductions, which vary depending upon precipitation type, intensity, and area. Weather can be selected by cloud type, coverage, and altitude. Additional combinations can be created easily by combining the layers found in existing files.

-All new cloud textures have been created in collaboration with OBD Software of Wings Over Flanders Fields fame, who have generously allowed them to be released in this package!

-Overhauled horizon haze. A new setting has been created, allowing you to easily change the density of the horizon haze, which will affect visibility and sky shading. The appearance of haze now changes dynamically in real time depending on the time of day. Mornings and evenings will be proportionally hazier, based on the haze density setting.

-Ground fog is now available that will burn off as the sun rises.


-Improved sun effect allows for greater contrast and depth of shadows. Several versions are included to allow the user to select how dark it gets at night.

-Improved sun glare effect and textures.

-Improved fresnel reflections on model surfaces.

-Improved reflections of moonlight at night. This is particularly noticeable on canopy glass.

-Improved terrain lighting and shading. Terrain lighting will create a richer look to terrain with greater depth. The blocky, angular distant terrain shading bug has been eliminated. Distant mountainous terrain looks significantly better.

-Improved dawn and dusk lighting and sun.

-Improved sunrises and sunsets when viewed from high altitude.

-More realistic handling of Civil, Nautical, and Astronomical Twilights.

-Improved water textures and shading. A new wave bump texture set, available in multiple resolutions up to uncompressed 4K, has been included. Sea states for wave size have been overhauled to conform approximately to the Beaufort Scale for sea states. A previously released water color file for the stock Europe map has also been included.

-New shoreline textures. Shoreline textures now use the alpha channel to render shallow water, allowing them to blend perfectly with the local water color. Different textures are included with different breaker intensities to allow the user to choose a texture with waves that match the sea state. These come in sets of four, which depict different levels of rising or ebbing tide. If all four textures of a given wave intensity level are installed simultaneously, a random tide state will be used each time you start CFS3.

Additional Features from Previous Releases:

External View Features
-Aircraft Self Shadowing
-Anti-alias Aircraft Shadows On The Ground
-Tree and Building Shadows
-Dynamic Lighting
-Environmental Reflections
-Eliminated In Cloud Square Border
-Bump Mapping
-Ability To Add Shading Textures To Aircraft That Don't Reference Them In Their Model File
-Realistic Water Rendering
-Cloud and Terrain Shadows
-Adjustable Field Of View Angle
-Adjustable Night Sprite Effects Levels
-Tree Rendering with Alpha Transparency Effects
-Pilot controlled landing lights

Cockpit View Features
-Support for clickable cockpits
-Support for cockpit damage effects
-Suport for complex systems scripting
-True dynamic reflections in cockpit glass
-Dynamic Reticles with Variable Range Settings
-Mouse View
-Mouse Scroll Zoom
-Cockpit Lighting
-Luminous Gages
-Improved TrackIR Image Rendering

Performance Enhancements
-Multi-Processor CPU Management
-Modern Rendering Optimizations
-Cfs3config.exe No Longer Needed Everytime Video Drivers Update
-Auto Generates Mip Maps
First release
Last update
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