Part 3 of 6 - Optional Stock Map Water Colors
Ankor's Shaders is a complete shaders upgrade, from the default DX8 shaders CFS3 shipped with, to DX9. This has included self shadowing, improved environment reflections, performance optimizations, and many other fantastic additions. Development was begun by Andrey Korchinskiy over a decade ago, and it has gone through multiple rounds of improvement over the years. This version builds on previous versions with significant new features.
This download is an optional part of the February 2025 release of Ankor's Shaders. It provides new water colors for the stock CFS3 Europe map. As such it is compatible with stock CFS3, the ETO and Battle of Britain Expansions, and WOFF and WOTR from OBD software. It will map water colors incorrectly if installed in expansions that use other maps like MAW and PTO.
Ankor's Shaders is a complete shaders upgrade, from the default DX8 shaders CFS3 shipped with, to DX9. This has included self shadowing, improved environment reflections, performance optimizations, and many other fantastic additions. Development was begun by Andrey Korchinskiy over a decade ago, and it has gone through multiple rounds of improvement over the years. This version builds on previous versions with significant new features.
This download is an optional part of the February 2025 release of Ankor's Shaders. It provides new water colors for the stock CFS3 Europe map. As such it is compatible with stock CFS3, the ETO and Battle of Britain Expansions, and WOFF and WOTR from OBD software. It will map water colors incorrectly if installed in expansions that use other maps like MAW and PTO.