B-17G_774th-BS (MAW)
This standalone aircraft represents a B-17G "The Huslin' Gal" Serial No. 42-31759, Celone, Italy,
24 February 1944, assigned to the 774th Bomb Squadron, 463rd Bomb Group. Lost over Ploesti
on 24 Apr 1944.
Used the "CHOW HOUND" AvH_US_B-17G-80 Boeing Flying Fortress as a template for the new skin for this stand alone
aircraft. Thanks to gregoryp for allowing me to use it.
All credits to the individuals involved in the originals (Please read the 'Readme" folder for more info)
Visual model and textures by HerbieG.
Flight Model By: gregoryp
weapons loadout by AVHIstory.org.
Thanks guys.
Hope you enjoy them. It was made for MAW; but, should work in ETO (not tested)
Always open to comments and suggestions. Please contact me thru' SOH Forum or PM
These aircraft fly well on my Machine and have not caused any problems.
***But use them at your OWN RISK***
PRang (March 2011)
This standalone aircraft represents a B-17G "The Huslin' Gal" Serial No. 42-31759, Celone, Italy,
24 February 1944, assigned to the 774th Bomb Squadron, 463rd Bomb Group. Lost over Ploesti
on 24 Apr 1944.
Used the "CHOW HOUND" AvH_US_B-17G-80 Boeing Flying Fortress as a template for the new skin for this stand alone
aircraft. Thanks to gregoryp for allowing me to use it.
All credits to the individuals involved in the originals (Please read the 'Readme" folder for more info)
Visual model and textures by HerbieG.
Flight Model By: gregoryp
weapons loadout by AVHIstory.org.
Thanks guys.
Hope you enjoy them. It was made for MAW; but, should work in ETO (not tested)
Always open to comments and suggestions. Please contact me thru' SOH Forum or PM
These aircraft fly well on my Machine and have not caused any problems.
***But use them at your OWN RISK***
PRang (March 2011)