B-24H 42-52149 "Big Noise from Kentucky" flew 25 missions with the 718th BS/ 449th BG, based in Grottaglie, Italy, 1944. She was credited with four downed fighters during a raid on Udine 0n 30 jan 1944. She was shot down by flak over Bor, Yugoslavia on 5 may 1944, returning from Ploesti. The crew managed to return to base, except for the co-pilot, who broke his ankle on landing, and was captured. The aircraft was named by the 1st pilot, Lt. Porter, who hailed from Georgetown, Kentucky. More info on this aircraft can be found here: http://www.norfield-publishing.com/bnfk/bignoise.htm. Repaint for the Alphasim B-24 by Jan Kees Blom.
by jankees
(2008-10-13 00:09:09)
Submitted by jankees
by jankees
(2008-10-13 00:09:09)
Submitted by jankees