42-52661 was a B-24H that was assigned to the 484th BG, based in Torretto Field, Italy. On 13 june 1944, it participated in a raid on Munich, piloted by Lt Edward Eibs. They suffered a supercharger failure over the Alps, ad discovered that they couldn't open the bomb bay doors. As they didn't have enough fuel to fly back to base with a full bomb load, they dropped the boms through the doors, which gave way under the weight of the ordnance. The 84th was then attacked by fighters, and although 2661 escaped unscathed, two crewmen took to their parachutes. As they still lacked suffiecient fuel to return to base, they landed in Dubendorf, Switzerland. Repaint for the Alphasim B-24 Liberator by Jan Kees Blom.
by jankees
(2008-09-21 13:41:53)
Submitted by jankees
by jankees
(2008-09-21 13:41:53)
Submitted by jankees