Bailey Bridges UT

Bailey Bridges UT 2024-05-13

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GB Bailey Bridge objects for CFS2 by UncleTgt

After making the German pontoon bridge I noticed there weren't any good depictions of the ubiquitous Bailey Bridge.

Destroyable objects for use in missions. They are multi-LOD. All models have their own damage models.

Models included: GB_Bailey2x1_2m_UT - A Bailey Bridge section, placed at 2m height (Wolfi's Piers are 2m high)

GB_Bailey2x1_dbl_2m_UT - A longer section for those wider crossings.
GB_Bailey2x1_dbl_3m_UT - A longer Bailey Bridge section placed at 3m height. (Xavier's concrete piers are 3m high)
GB_Baileyramp2x1_0to2m_UT - A ramp from ground level to 2m high.
GB_Baileyramp2x1_0to3m_UT - A longer ramp from ground level to 3m high.
GB_Bailey2x1_wf1b_4m_UT - Same dimensions as Wolfi's wbridge1b, but with Bailey bridge sections between the piers.
GB_Bailey2x1_wf1c_4m_UT - Same dimensions as Wolfi's wbridge1c, but with Bailey bridge sections from the ramp to the pier.

GB_pontoon2x1_UT - A Bailey Bridge placed on pontoon rafts.
GB_pontoon2x1_dbl_UT - A longer section for those wider river crossings.
GB_pontoon2x1ramp_UT - A ramp for the transition to/from the river banks.
GB_pontoon_trvl_UT - A trailer loaded with pontoon rafts.

GB_SBG_deploy_0m_UT - A 30ft Small Box Girder assault bridge, placed at ground level. Often used for crossing ditches.
GB_SBGramp_2m_UT - A SBG placed for use as a ramp from ground to 2m high.

To install, unzip the download to a temporary location & move/ copy files to the matching folder names inside your chosen CFS 2 install.

Thanks to: Allen for his Making Exploding Objects using FS2002 Tools & Tutorial.

Arno Gerretsen for ModelconverterX, such a clever & versatile tool.

This is freeware and subject to the usual conditions.


OCT 2022

First release
Last update
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