Battle of France - Part

Battle of France - Part 2024-05-03

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This is Part Ib of the Battle of France - Part I campaign package. The contents of this package are in four parts, and contain therein nearly all of the aircraft, ships, objects, scenery, sounds, and other items required to fly these campaigns.

In the second package, you’ll find nearly all the aircraft, sounds, and repaints required for multi-engined aircraft used for these campaigns. Please note that I also use in numerous other Early-era ETO campaigns. The aircraft included in this package include the aircraft and repaints of Alain Breton, Alphasim, Beepee, Brunosk, ChrisN, Dombral, Desert Rat, Huub Vink, Kelticheart, Martin Wright, Ted Cook, Moparmike, Oldwheat, Seagull V, Shessi, Peperez, Bismarck13, Sopwith Chameleon, UncleTgt, Morton, Thicko, Jim Jacobson, Virtual Wings, Baldy, RobH, The B24 Guy, Payakan, The Groundcrew team, FDG, and Krystof Malinowski. Engine sounds by Lawdog2360, OBIO, & Aeroplane Heaven have also been included.

All the aircraft in this package have been modified, when necessary, to include the appropriate repaints, when possible, for the aircraft. I have also included modified .dp files for each aircraft which correct information in the [MISC.DATA] section that was in error. To lessen issues with frame rates with many waves of aircraft in the sky, all exhaust effects have been removed, if they were included in the original models.

Due to the amount of aircraft used in this Battle of France project, it has been separated between single-engined and multi-engined aircraft models. This package only contains the twin-engined models. The gauges in this package are only used by the single-engined models, but it would have been both laborious and time-consuming to do through each .dp and separate the weapons packages, so when you install both aircraft packages, the weapons will overwrite. No harm should come of it.

The auto-installer package, though large, is intended to greatly lessen the workload of the user, thereby allowing them to install the numerous parts needed for these campaigns with the minimal amount of downloads possible, and also to minimize the risk of any objects being left out.

As an added bonus for those who may have other Early ETO campaigns of mine installed, the files included in this package may help to fill in any missing items for people who have installed those campaigns.

The CFS2 BoB Team


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