Beaus in the Sand campaign - Part

Beaus in the Sand campaign - Part 2024-05-03

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* This package was updated on January 19th, 2019 to include several fixes.

Welcome to the Beaus in the Sand campaign package! This package follows a fictional Beaufighter squadron around & across the Mediterranean theatre during a twenty-nine month campaign. Beginning in Eastern Libya, you follow the general flow of events in the theatre, from defending Malta, Alexandria, and attacking convoys to defending the Tunisian and Algerian ports during the spring of 1943. As operations "Husky" & "Avalanche" are launched, you operate out of Sicily, lending support to their efforts and to interfere with the evacuation of Corsica by Axis forces. As 1944 continues, you end up staging through Sicily again on your way to Corsica, where you both raid Axis shipping & lend support to "Dragoon," the Allied invasion of Southern France, before moving again over to Eastern Italy, where you end the campaign attacking shipping in the northern reaches of the Adriatic Sea.

This is Part II of the Beaus in the Sand campaign package. In this package, you will find the GSL scenery objects, sim sounds, UIRES screens, anti-aircraft guns, buildings, & the scenery packages, along with the other equipment required, together with the campaigns and missions themselves.

Those whose work has been used for this project include Jean Bomber, UncleTgt, Baldy, Brunosk, Chalachew (Mar.g at the time of his Malta release) Pen32Win, Achim27619, Xavierb, Wolfi, Stiz, The Virtual Navy, Gary Burns, MaskRider, Nanni, Nibbio, Bismarck13, Rockster, Simonu, the IS4G team, The Groundcrew Team, Paul Rebuffat, Usio, Davmag, Collin, Isoliti4gatti, Psullykeys, Canion, Lawdog2360, Shessi, Blackbird686, LouieG, Shessi, Spryb, Serge Tremblay, Captain Kurt, Robert John, and the AF Team. Due to this, it is imperative that you gain permission from all of the parties before uploading this file package to a location anywhere other than Please be respectful of the rights of all those whose work is found here.



Submitted by Rami
First release
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