This is a CFS3 mod package that was originally posted on the Netwings site. They were intended for stock CFS3 and/or CFS3 with Firepower ONLY. Nothing has been modified in any way and it is still in it's original *.zip file. Here is the README for full acknowledgement:
New for CFS3 I bring you Real Bf-110 Sounds. I thank Artmag for giving me the real sounds of the Bf-109. The Bf-109 had the same engine as the Bf-110. The only thing that was different was how the two planes were started. I used the same sounds I used in the 109...and modified the sound for the Bf-110. I went straight to work once I got the permission from one of the leaders at Ground Crew. I sent these sounds for evaluation in Germany and was given a thumbs up! I love the fly-by's. Just unzip my bf-110sound and unzip all the aircraft zip's. Place each sound folder to each appropriate aircraft. Included are the sound folders to all the Ground Crew's Bf-110's and AvHistory's Bf-110's. All the the aircraft sounds will run off of the gc_bf110g2 sound folder to save you Hard Drive space. Any positive comment or questions E-mail ( aka Luftwaffe Oberst.
New for CFS3 I bring you Real Bf-110 Sounds. I thank Artmag for giving me the real sounds of the Bf-109. The Bf-109 had the same engine as the Bf-110. The only thing that was different was how the two planes were started. I used the same sounds I used in the 109...and modified the sound for the Bf-110. I went straight to work once I got the permission from one of the leaders at Ground Crew. I sent these sounds for evaluation in Germany and was given a thumbs up! I love the fly-by's. Just unzip my bf-110sound and unzip all the aircraft zip's. Place each sound folder to each appropriate aircraft. Included are the sound folders to all the Ground Crew's Bf-110's and AvHistory's Bf-110's. All the the aircraft sounds will run off of the gc_bf110g2 sound folder to save you Hard Drive space. Any positive comment or questions E-mail ( aka Luftwaffe Oberst.