Resource icon 2024-07-13

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This is a mission package that was originally posted on the Netwings site. They were intended for stock CFS3 and/or CFS3 with Firepower ONLY.
Nothing has been modified in any way and it is still in it's original *.zip file. Here is the README for full acknowledgement:

O-1 Driver Mission Read Me

Credits and Legal Information

Software contained in this add-on is either copyright Microsoft, or other third party authors. The software contained in this add-on is freeware - it may not be used for gain, redistributed, placed for download on other sites, sold or modified whatsoever without written permission of the author (s).

The mission contained in this folder may not be duplicated, altered, placed or uploaded on any other site without prior written permission of SOH, and O-1 Driver (

A. Loading instructions
Simply copy the mission file to the “What If” or historical folder inside your main OFF mission folder.
B. Wing man Commands - Press R as often as necessary to keep him in formation and always before instructing him to attack a target. Press A to give attack order. He will not attack a ground target unless he has ordnance remaining. After take off always use 95% power to enable him to catch up with you.
C. Tactical display - Shift T to hide or display your Tactical display. T to cycle between aircraft, vehicles etc. You must select a target before your wing man will attack it. You can then change the display once he has been ordered.
D. Most WW1 aircraft did not have trim, but you can use control A to enable this feature.
E. Ground Fire - You can reduce the intensity and accuracy of ground fire in your single player selection by selecting rookie or ace.
F. Map function - You can bring up or close the map in flight by pressing M. Use your bracket keys
[ to expand or ] to zoom in on map scale. Use your mouse pointer to identify airfields by placing pointer on x’s on the map.

For answer to most other questions refer to FAQ’s section on web site or SOH forums.

Good Luck and good hunting!!
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