CK Germany Airfields

CK Germany Airfields 2024-05-09

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This package was updated on 26 April, 2020 to include an updated airbase.dat entry for Berlin-Gatow, and an updated installation readme file.

This is a package of fifteen airfields in Germany from the 20th FG, 354th FG, & Jagdgeschwader 11 campaigns, and are also included in the Battle of France. It includes Ansbach, Berlin-Gatow, Biblis, Dedelstorf, Gelnhausen, Husum-Narrenthal, Köln-Ostheim, Leck, Mohrin, Ober_Olm, Rechlin-Lärz, Salzwedel, Störmede, Strausberg, and Wiesbaden-Erbenheim.

I created these fields with Rami’s ETO setup, using Sander de Cocq's Eurw area and Euro_Textures, as well as his coastlines and feature pack (the whole set) and on Rhumbaflappy’s mesh. They are made to complement the Achim airfield sets.

Rami and Kdriver were instrumental in this update to these airfields.

Kdriver removed the API objects plus combined the AFD files, and Rami replicated the original objects placements with GSL destroyable objects. Kdriver also did the screenshot for this package.

Captain Kurt
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