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This is a mission package that was originally posted on the Netwings site. They were intended for stock CFS3 and/or CFS3 with Firepower ONLY.
Nothing has been modified in any way and it is still in it's original *.zip file. Here is the README for full acknowledgement:

Three short missions for CFS3 by CAN_YEAGER.

I found that the default multiplayer missions are extremely long to play without the WARP ability. That is why I have created these short missions especially tailored for multiplayer games, each one takes approx 10 min to play.
1) English channel short German Ju 88's and 109's are crossing the channel to attack the airbase at Dover. P51's and Spits are scrambled to defend. Victory conditions are all German planes get shot down or if Dover is destroyed.
2) Swiss Alps short p47's and spitz are sent to attack a German convoy in the Swiss alps in foggy weather. 109's are in the area so it won't be easy
3) Tirpitz This is my favourite mission B-25 armed with torpedo's, mosquito's armed with rockets and bombs with P-38's as cap must go in and attack the Tirpitz and sink her. There are lots of 109's and 190's so this mission gets really busy in a hurry. Victory conditions are ships get sunk or if they allied attack is smashed. Don't expect a slow computer to run this mission well my P4 gets slow enough that I have to shut off my sound, there's allot going on in this one !

Installation is simple just put the three missions into your Microsoft games/CFS3/missions folder/historical or what if folder your choice. And host a game, then select it.

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