Dog1-Gavinc stock airfield mods (beta)

Dog1-Gavinc stock airfield mods (beta) 2024-05-09

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This package is an attempt to reconcile Rhumbaflappy’s 2009 coastlines and the extensive work that Gavinc did in relocating the stock airfields with the work of Dog1 enhancing many of the stock airfields in CFS2 that were configured with the original stock coastlines.

Thanks to both Dog1 and to gavinc for their gracious permissions in releasing this package.

This package combines their efforts into a single source. However, despite the best effort of all parties involved, there are some airfields which will be able to be used reasonably well for users of this package, and some that will not. These problems are exacerbated to one degree or another depending on the flatten set that is used. In general, the older flattens by Rhumbaflappy tend to cause less problems than the 2007 flattens by Ettico, even though the latter does do a far better job of keeping the water at sea level and thereby avoiding water textures on the land class.

Accordingly, with this package, I have chosen to use the latter.

All airfields, regardless of whether they work well or not, are updated with the most modern objects available to improve their display. In some cases, the adjustments have been relatively minor; others have required far more radical overhauls; a couple even had to be relocated entirely.

This is not the finished product. This is being released in order to assess the overall result and how to finalize it so that it is congruent with other Rhumbaflappy-related enhancements in the Pacific.

As such, elements that have been included in this version may not be included once the package is ready for a final upload.


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