Dombral Mediterranean Scenery Suite

Dombral Mediterranean Scenery Suite 2024-05-09

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This is Dombral’s Mediterranean Scenery Suite. In this package, you will find a total of fourteen new Mediterranean ports in five different countries, and a further eight towns in these countries as well.

Kdriver has been generous enough to provide seven seaplane takeoff points to allow you to enjoy much of the scenery up close.

This GSL scenery for France, Italy, and North Africa will be utilized in the Battle of France when the action shifts to the south.

It is important to note that Dombral is the primary architect of this package, not myself. I did make some contributions to the ports in this package, but Dombral was the original designer of much of this scenery. Releasing this is an homage to the quality of his scenery work that often draws little attention.

Several users have given a lot of time and energy creating objects that are used in this GSL scenery. Thanks go to Wolfi, Pen32Win, Xavierb, Brunosk, Davmag, Gius, Canion, Kdriver, Usio, Tobob, Canion, Gary20, Allen, Lindsay Watt, and Cees Donker. Many thanks go out to all of them for their generosity and selflessness.

Dombral, Kdriver, and Rami

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