
dpc_f51d_67fbs.zip 2024-06-10

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Korean War F51-D Mustang 18th FBW 67th FBS "Red Scarves" Maj. Arnold 'Moon' Mullins

This is a major rework of the stock p_51d for cfs3.


1. New virtual cockpit with excellent POV with good orientation. In other words you get a sense of being inside the cockpit, enough of the cockpit frame, fuselage, etc is visible to keep your orientation correct.

2. New instrument panel with accurate P51 gauges.

3. Rear view mirror, now you can watch your six by using the F6 key.

4. Accurate Korean War payloads including 75gal drop tanks and Napalm.

Part of the 18th FBG the 67th FBS, known as the "Red Scarves" while flying Mustangs, was one of the more important Mustang units to operate during the Korean War. One of only 3 Squadrons to fly Mustangs for a majority of the conflict, transitioning over to F-86F Sabres in early 1953.

The plane represented here was the personal mount of Major Arnold "Moon" Mullins, on of the most famous Mustang pilots of the war. Major Mullins was credited with the destruction of 4 Yak-9's, 2 in the air, within minutes of each other, and 2 others on the ground.

"Arnold 'Moon' Mullins, a P-38 veteran of WWII, where he had been shot down over Europe and evaded capture was, at age 30, promoted to Lieutenant Colonel soon after completing his Combat Tour and leaving the 67th Squadron in Korea. He was reassigned to a Tactical Air Command base in South Carolina in early 1951, developing air-to-ground communications procedures for Close Support operations. He was killed in the crash of a T-33 jet trainer aircraft in 1952 while demonstrating those tactical maneuvers." Duane E. 'Bud' Biteman, Lt. Col, USAF, Ret


This will create a new plane for your aircraft folder. To install just unzip to your DPC_CFS3_Korea folder. The aircraft will appear in your aircraft menu as F-51D 67th FBS. The Korean Theater Conversion Set (KTCS) is required for this aircraft to function.

Microsoft for their original model and SDK.
Ed Wilson- cockpit, weapons pack, and xdp modifications
Daniel Leahy - textures
Jerry Beckwith and Gregory Pierson- flight model & xdp file
Sterling Dedic- modifications to xdp load outs
Marv Howell- GZR "Sactargets"- research

The Dogpatch Crew: Bringing the Korean War in the CFS world.
The Dogpatch Crew is:
Sterling "Dakota93" Dedic
Ed "GZR_Groundhog" Wilson
Daniel "Strumvogel" Leahy
Tom "twintrow" Wintrow
Dean "tenspeed" Reilly
Spencer "Green_Day" Carter
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