DR Blenheim MkIV, GRB No.1, FAFL.zip

DR Blenheim MkIV, GRB No.1, FAFL.zip 2024-06-08

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Blenheim MkIV Z9583 14, Groupe Réservé de Bombardement No.1, LG 75, Egypt, Late 1941

The "Groupe Réservé de Bombardement No.1" was created on 24th December 1940 in French Equatorial Africa, under the orders of Capt. Astier de Vilatte, and was composed of two flights of Blenheim MkIVs, respectively 6 aircraft at Fort-Lamy in Chad, and a further 8 at Maiduguri in Northern Nigeria.

The Groupe was used in support of Colonel Leclerc's operations in Khoufra, and after a break to refit, saw service in Abyssinia in the spring of 1941. In August that year, it was transferred to Syria, and on 2nd September, it received the title of "Groupe Lorraine," which is still used today.

On 20th November 1941, the Groupe moved to LG 75 near Sidi Barrani, to work with 210 Wing RAF against Axis forces in Egypt and Libya. This led to an especially gruelling tour as the Groupe participated in supporting Operation Crusader, with the objective of outflanking Rommel by the south, and thereby relieving Tobruk. This was achieved on 29th November as Rommel withdrew to El Agheila.

The Groupe remained on operations in the area until 31st January 1942 when it was withdrawn to Syria for rest and refitting.

Original Contributor Credits:

Original external model is reworked from Richard (winjeel) Mason's work.
Original internal model parts are reworked from Greg (Seacondor) Laws's work.
Model rework internal and external by Steve (Sdsbolt) Seybolt.
Virtual Cockpit Textures by John (Bravo/4) Whelan.
External Textures by Nigel (ndicki) Dickinson.
Mos File by Nigel (ndicki) Dickinson.
XDP compilation, research by Rob (Capt. Winters) Stevenson.
Bomb Sight by Rob (Capt. Winters) Stevenson.
Flight Model By Rene (greycap.raf) Leppa.
Weapons by AvHistory, Joost (Frosty) and Richard (Winjeel) Mason.
pylon updates by Rob (Capt. Winters) Stevenson.
Revised 8x303 machine gun sounds, by Nigel (ndicki) Dickinson, Clive (Pat Pattle) Morely.
Engine sounds by Lawdog. (see original readme in aircraft\DR_Engine_Sounds\Bristol_Mercury_Sound_2x sound folder.)

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