Dutch East Indies campaign - Part I.zip

Dutch East Indies campaign - Part I.zip 2024-05-03

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* This package has been updated on April 24th, 2016 to include missing gauges and other items.

Welcome to the Dutch East Indies campaign package! This campaign package consists of one nineteen-mission Dutch and one eighteen-mission Japanese campaign chronicling many of the major events in the Japanese effort to capture the oil-rich Dutch East Indies in the period between 16 December, 1941 and 5 March, 1942. Missions in these campaigns are essentially a historical overview of the campaign in a broad sense.

The Dutch side begins on Borneo, and consisting of observing and attacking the Japanese invasion force before defending your aerodrome and retreating first to Sumatra, then later on to Java, where you make your last stand. The effort is ultimately unsuccessful, and the campaign ends with some last-ditch efforts to knock out Japanese positions as they continue to take over the island. Because of the two primary aircraft that you fly, this is by far the tougher of the two campaigns. The performance of your two primary aircraft are inadequate when compared to the two primary Japanese fighters; the Mitsubishi A6M Zero and the Nakajima Ki-43 Oscar.

The Japanese campaign is the easier of the two. In this campaign you will be operating from both land and sea; you will spend many missions flying off the Japanese light carrier Ryūjō. This will provide you with numerous opportunities to practice your carrier traps. The missions begin off of Borneo, with your primary responsibility being the defense of the invasion force coming ashore. Following this, you begin to chase the Dutch from place to place; this includes Sumatra and later to Java, where again you defend the invasion forces before engaging airfields and other targets further inland. Missions include bomber escort, airfield strikes, fleet defense, and fighter sweeps. The performance of the Zero and the Oscar in these missions means that you will have a much easier type maintaining the upper hand.
In the first package, you will find nearly all the aircraft, sounds, and repaints required for this campaign. Please note that I also some of these aircraft in the two other 1941-1942-era Pacific campaigns. The aircraft included in this package include the aircraft and repaints of the Donationware team, Stuart Green, Thicko, Krystof Malinowski, Morton, Kelticheart, Dombral, Sopwith Chameleon, Wolfi, Bruno Duffort, and Akemi. Engine sounds by Lawdog2360, Blood_Hawk23, and Blondi have also been included, as well as specific drop tanks for the A6M2 Zero and the Ki-43 Oscar to replace the stock versions.

All the aircraft in this package have been modified, when necessary, to include the appropriate repaints, when possible, for the aircraft. I have also included modified .dp files for each aircraft which correct information in the [MISC.DATA] section that was in error. To lessen issues with frame rates with many waves of aircraft in the sky, all exhaust effects have been removed, if they were included in the original models.

Additionally, all weapons required for the aircraft have been included.



P.S. - Skylane's campaigns will often parallel or branch off of this campaign, they run roughly along similar time frames.


Submitted by Rami
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