
Early_USAAC_Bombs_UT.zip 2024-05-05

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Early-war USAAC bombs for CFS2 by UncleTgt

This is a collection of early-war US bomb models, compiled as weapon bgls, so they can be added via the aircraft dp.

Whilst researching for my Solomons scenery I kept coming across accounts of B-17's(in particular) carrying out raids using 300lb &/or 600lb weapons. I came across a couple of photos of B-17s being bombed up in the Philippines/ Dutch East Indies & that seemed to confirm they were real weapons, & not misremembered/incorrectly recorded bomb weights. I couldn't find much online apart from a few references to an obsolete Mk1(modified) range of bombs, developed prior to WW2, but declared unfit for use (poor ballistics & flight characteristics...).
These USAAC weapons are missing from CFS 2. I'm guessing the crews used these weapons in the absence of anything better! Visually they looked more bulbous & bulky than the later GP series weapons, as modelled by DBolt.

They are multiLOD, & each model centre is the pylon hang point, same as Allens & DBolts weapons. This should allow for some consolidation of aircraft mounts, helping with CFS 2's 24 Hardpoint limit.

1100lb bomb, used as a blast bomb through 1942 & into 1943.

600lb bomb, used as a blast bomb through 1942 & into 1943.

300lb bomb, used as a blast bomb through 1942 & into 1943.

100lb bomb, often used as an anti-personnel weapon during long-range raids on Jap airbases.

a vertical stack of 5 x 100lb bombs. Developed as a workaround for CFS 2's hardpoint number limit
(a B-17E carried 20 of these - this way they only use 4 hardpoints)

It's a visual tradeoff, they drop "tidy", & you only get 4 bomb blasts. But seeing as CFS2 sees bombs as 1 of 3 or 4 types, so everything up to 300lb would be a Type 1 bomb anyways, so IMHO smaller weight bombs are way "over-specd" in most cases. These were used as a standard airfield denial payload by B-17s across SWPTO & PNG through 1943.

This exercise spurred me to develop similar "clusters of DBolt's 100lb GP bombs, also included in this pack. These would be more appropraite for 1943 onwards.

a vertical stack of 5 x 100lb bombs. Developed as a workaround for CFS 2's hardpoint number limit
(a B-17E carried 20 of these - this way they only use 4 hardpoints)

a horizontal line of 4 x 100lb bombs. Developed as a workaround for CFS 2's hardpoint number limit
(a TBF carried 12 of these - this way they only use 3 hardpoints)

To install, unzip the download to a temporary location & move/ copy files to the matching folder names inside your chosen CFS 2 install.

Thanks to: Allen for his Making Exploding Objects using FS2002 Tools & Tutorial.

Arno Gerretsen for ModelconverterX & FXeditor, such clever & versatile tools.

This is freeware and subject to the usual conditions.


AUG 2023

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